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Railroads on Stamps & Covers of Austria
by Dexter C. Wright

I would like to know more about the railroads named on these seals. I interpret K.K. as "Kaiser und Koenig", which could be translated simply "Royal". These date, I think, from the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, i.e. pre-1914.

6/23/2002 - Horst Brix, CJRRU web-master, and rail philatelist extraordinaire, writes:

K.K. is not "Kaiser und König", but "Kaiserlich und Königlich", which would be translated "imperial and royal". This should point out that the Emperor of Austria was Emperor of Austria, Slowakia, Romania, Yugoslavia and so on and King of Hungary. All these seals became obsolete with the end of the imperial and royal rule during WWI.

So these originated from the Austro-Hungarian empire.

I have accumulated quite a variety of these envelope seals with a train theme, which you can view by clicking here.

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Revised -- 6/15/2002