Cinderellas - National Poster Stamp Society - F.H. Dietz Labels

Catalog of National Poster Stamp Society labels - NPSS
(including F. H. Dietz Labels)

LINK TO Poster Stamp Bulletin Index and Scans

January, 2007 - What got me started on this topic was the F. H. Dietz labels like the one just below, of which there are many. Any serious poster stamp collector has seen them. By the time I had accumulated five or six different designs, all of the same format, and all with the "National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No," I was curious who Dietz was, and how many of these sheetlets he produced.

Dietz's creations are not quite poster stamps, being much too large for a stamp. They are more what I would call souvenir sheets. Some of them are relatively common, and their consistent format makes them appealing to collectors who like matched sets, like me. I accumulated fifteen or so, then started to wonder how many different designs existed. The certificate numbers on them suggested there were over a hundred.

Then I noticed that I had a couple that were the same format, but did not mention Dietz, and a sheet with an entirely different format that also had a PSS certificate number.

That led me finally to look in the Fields-Picklo catalogue, which covers mainly Philatelic Exhibition Seals, but includes a lot of other material as well, and that gave me a list of about sixty items with an NPSS Cert. No., about half of them issued by Frederick Dietz, who I have learned was a stamp dealer in New York City who also produced First Day Covers (and should not be confused with August Dietz - no relation - the Confederate Stamp expert and printer, who also printed some poster stamps!)

Looking through my own collections and browsing the www turned up a few more of these labels, and if those Certificate Numbers mean anything, there should be at least a hundred more than I have indentified so far

Below is the sum of my knowledge to date.

If you can add to this, please write the author at

A NOTE ON VALUES : I provide below all the data about these items in the Fields-Picklo catalogue, EXCEPT VALUES. The authors of that work gave the following caution:

A word of caution is offered here to the user of this reference work. The information was compiled as a working inventory, not a price list. The dollar values were purchase-prices paid at some historic point in time and should not be construed as estimates of current or consistent value, either today or at any particular point in the past. Moreover, the market for such material has changed substantially since much of the data was originally compiled.
Since their work was compiled 20 years ago, that caution is even more relevant today. Prices on most of these items vary according to the sales venue and the competition. Check completed listings on eBay and cinderella dealers like Rigastamps for current prices.

Poster Stamp Bulletin

10/22/11 - I recently learned that the National Poster Stamp Society - in addition to issuing the Certificate Numbers that launched me on this project - published a newsletter called the Poster Stamp Bulletin, and I thought it might contain information about the Certificates the Society issued. I checked several philatelic libraries, and found that the Western Philatelic Libary, in Sunnyvale, CA, has a fairly complete set of the PSB. And they were willing to lend them to me by mail. I awaited their arrival with great anticipation.

What I found was a disappointment. The Library has all but 14 of the issues from 1936 (Volume 1) through 1951 (Volume 17 - the numbering got bollixed, so one volume number was skipped) - so far, so good. And the Certificates are mentioned occasionally, but almost never their numbers, and the comprehensive list of numbers and descriptions that would have allowed me to complete this page was not present.

I did find, at least, in the April, 1938 issue (Volume 3, number 2) the announcement above,
stating that the NPSS would be issuing certificates. And in that same issue, an announcement of the Snow White and Seven Dwarfs set. No number is mentioned, but it was given number 47, so apparently they numbered earlier sets retroactively.

That would explain why I have been unable to find any entries in that long gap from 1 to 46.

However, there were images of some of the sets for which I had only a description, so I have added those below, plus notes about some that seem to belong to the list, but for which I have no numbers. I was able to add only one definite entry (#100) to the list from the PSB. A sad disappointment - after going to all the trouble to create the certificate system, they don't seem to have taken it seriously.

Moreover, while the early issues of the PSB seem like a legitimate newsletter of a real collectors group, with articles and letters and announcements, the later ones are little but publicity for The Poster Stamp Publishing Company of Chicago, whose ads fill every issue, so it appears the Society and its Bulletin became simply a front for the Company, which presumably printed all the poster stamps for which it issued the Certificates. I don't suppose that matters, but somehow it bothers me. Whatever.

11/5/11 - I found a 1936 reference (via Google Books - image above) to the creation of the PSB by the Mid-States Gummed Paper Company, which has an ad in every issue, so presumably that company and the NPSS are one and the same.

I scanned all the PSB issues from the WPL, and created an index which I used to find the known items in the list below. In case my efforts can be of use to someone else, I have added the index and the pages to my web site.

LINK TO Poster Stamp Bulletin Index and Scans

Note that I have added links in the main table below to the relevant PSB pages for all the items it describes.

By the way, there have been at least three publications called the Poster Stamp Bulletin - one very briefly in 1915, this one from 1936 to 1951, and a current one published by Walter Schmidt since 1988.



6/4/2017 - Collector Bud Hahn sent me scans of many new items from the collection of Ken Picklo. The following are completely new entries: #s 53, 62, 81, 86. Significant additions to the following #s: Kentucky set(unn), 74, 79, 89, 93, 100, 121, 122, 123, 147; PLUS many lesser additions elsewhere. Enjoy!


11/27/17 - I sifted through my image archives and found a few new items - the progressive proofs of number 109, and the possible new varieties of 122 and 123.


02/10/18 - I found references to numbers 204 and 205, and am guessing about 176 - all Michigan's Outdoors sheets, so I have added those.


02/04/19 - I found a Wisconsin's Outdoors sheet on eBay, number 107!


02/05/19 - I added a couple of images to #81.

CATALOG of National Poster Stamp Society Certificate labels

YEAR Date Cert. # Fields-Picklo Description Image
1937 1937 ?? (Not in F-P)
Poster Stamps: 25 stamps (5x5) - Kentucky the Beautiful, with 32-page album to mount them in.

Inside back pages promote the National Poster Stamp Society.

Fifth scan shows inside back cover of album, with list of 17 other sets of stamps. If these all had PSS certificate numbers, that would help fill the long gap from 1 to 47! Stamps from some of the other sets mentioned are shown at bottom of page.

Back cover says Copyright 1937.

8/1/2011 - I just found the green 3x3 sheetlet shown at right - some of the same designs, and I have seen complete booklets with green stamps, so the complete set was issued in at least three color combinations - green and blue, maroon and blue, and red and blue.

11/4/2011 - described on PSB page 02-3-4, August 1937.
Note that text says one could order either the booklet shown at top right, or the album pages at bottom right.

Certificate included with booklet

Original glassine envelope for stamps

1937 (Undated) ??? Label: Red & Yellow Circle Being Pierced By a White Triangle, Blue Background, on White. Perfed Horiz/Gummed. 45 X 57 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 02- 4-1, December, 1937, with picture.

Not a terrible design, but not great, either. What the heck does it mean?

1937 (Undated) No number (Not in F-P)
Denver CO Tourism Promotion Poster Stamps Sheet
Sheet containing 12 original, poster stamps - cinderellas - "Denver, Colorado, Poster Stamps FOR SALE THROUGH Poster Stamp Bulletin OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF NATIONAL POSTER STAMP SOCIETY 2445 So. Damen Ave. Chicago, Illinois".
Approximate size of sheet: 5.9in x 6.45in. Rouletted.

11/4/2011 - described on PSB page 02-4-3, December, 1937.

1938 1938 46? Poster Stamps: Sheet of 100 (10 X 10) General Wildlife Federation, 1938 (first) issue - Perfed/Gummed.

11/4/2011 - this is the first set mentioned on PSB page 03-2-1 (April, 1938) and saying it had been awarded a cert, so it should be 46 - or 48?

6/13/17 - I finally found an image of the complete sheet that is large enough to make out all the text clearly, and there is no mention anywhere of the NPSS. Was there a booklet to hold the stamps? Perhaps the certificate was in there? Stay tuned.

1938 (Undated) 47 Poster Stamps: Sheet of 8 (2 X 4) Stamps of Scenes From the Movie "Snow White". "Compliments of Armour & Company & Your Dealer". Perfed/Gummed. 122 X 168 mm

11/4/2011 - this is the second set mentioned on PSB page 03-2-1 (April, 1938) and saying it had been awarded a cert.

(Image of magazine ad from Rigastamps.)

1938 (Undated) 48? Poster Stamps: LUMBERMENS MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY

Sheet of 6 (3 X 2) Stamps with scenes relating to various types of insurance.

Mentioned on PSB page 03-1- 2 (Feb, 1938), so that dates it, and the notice enclosed with this copy of the sheetlet says it was approved by the Society, but no cert number, so I am assigning 48 as the most likely candidate.

1938 (Undated) 51 Poster Stamps: Sheet of 10 (5 X 2) Advertising Various Products of the "Heil Co.", Milwaukee. Black, Red, Yellow On White. Perfed/Gummed. 197 X 122 mm


Note the straight edges on all sides of the sheetlet - I have seen three examples, all like this.

I have seen single stamps completely imperforate, as well as stamps with straight edges on sides other than as shown in the sheetlet.

Mentioned on PSB page 03- 3-4 (June 1938) with a picture of four of the stamps.

1938 1938 53 (Not in F-P)

6/1/17 - Sheetlet of 8 (?) poster stamps advertising various commercial products. Clearly this was produced by and intended to advertise Mid-States Gummed Papers, the subject of the last label, and the sponsor of the NPSS and PSB. I suspect Mid-States owned Shuman Labels, and the other labels included were for Mid-States customers.

Without the bottom selvage, or a larger multiple, we cannot say for sure there are only 8 stamps in this set.

NOTE that each stamp has a tiny version of the NPSS logo at bottom left, as promised in the PSB, on this page, which states

In addition, the Society has now developed a special marking, which will appear in the lower left-hand margin of each approved Poster Stamp.

I assume that turned out to be too costly to implement, as this set and number 55 and 59 are the only stamps I have seen that show the logo.

The year (1938) is printed in the bottom right corner of each stamp.

(Image provided by Bud Hahn, from an item in Ken Picklo's collection.)

1938 1938 54 IDAHO Scenic Wonderland 1938 Poster Stamp Sheets
Set of twenty vintage vignettes (two sheets of ten: A & B) including the original glassine envelope in which they were sold. Published by the Caxton Printers, Ltd.

Poster Stamps: "Idaho". 20 Different. (2 Sheets of 10 (5x2) 1938-A, 1938- B). Purple With Green & Yellow Frames. Perfed/ Gummed. 216 X 140 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 03- 3-1 (June 1938) and pictured in full on PSB page 03-3-4.


1938 1938 55 (Not in F-P)

Crucifixion scenes -
Sheet of eight vignettes published by Arving Whitworth. Each stamp has the NPSS logo in its lower left corner, and the year at lower right.

Perfed/Gummed - Each label is approx. 1 5/8" x 2 1/2", and the entire sheet measures 10" x 6 1/4".

Mentioned on PSB page 03- 4-3, August, 1938, which says This series has been officially approved by the N.P.S.S. and carries same on every sheet.

1938 (Undated) 56 (Not in F-P)

Alaska Territorial Era Tourism Promotion Poster Stamps
See Alaska - Nature's Greatest Masterpiece

Sheet of twenty 38mm x 52mm vignettes.
Perfed/Gummed - Overall size: 218mm x 280mm.

Text in top selvage reads:
Officially approved by the National Poster Stamp Society, Chicago, Ill. Certificate No. 56.

Mentioned on PSB page 03- 4-1 (August, 1938), with image of one stamp.

1938 (Undated) 57 (Not in F-P)

INDIANA (Turkey Run State Park) Scenic Views Poster Stamp Sheet
Sheet of eight vintage vignettes published by Arving Whitworth. The sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 57.

Each stamp bears the text INDIANA and TURKEY RUN.

Side margin reads "Published by Arving Whitworth, P.O. Box xxx, Indianapolis xx, Indiana - xxx sent postpaid to any address for 10 cents."

Perfed/Gummed - Approximate size of sheet: 6in x 8.5in.

Mentioned on PSB page 03- 4-1 August 1938.

1938 1938 59
(Not in F-P)

"Issued to commemorate mothers everywhere"

Sheetlet of four vignettes, 128mm x 179mm, gummed, It has zig-zag roulettes, horizontally from the left edge of the sheet to about 2mm short of the right edge of the sheet; vertically extending about 5 mm past both the upper and lower lines of horizontal roulettes but not through to the edges

Text in large caps running around outer edge of selvage:

Text below stamps in bottom selvage:
"Officially Approved by the NATIONAL POSTER STAMP SOCIETY 2445 So. Damien Ave. Chicago Ill. Certificate No. 59. For further information on POSTER STAMP COLLECTING Write the Society for details.

Published by Arving Whitworth, P. O. Box 55, Terre Haute, Indiana" (All I could find out about Arving Whitworth on the www is that he published the book "Covered bridges: Parke County, Indiana")

Text below that:
"No. 1240" in red

(courtesy of Roger Riga)

Each stamp has the NPSS logo at lower left, and the year 1938 at lower right.

Mentioned on PSB page 03- 6-3, December 1938.

7/8/17 - NEW FIND on eBay! Second version, 059a, differs in major ways, as follows:
- rouletted perforations run all the way from top to bottom and from side to side
- colors are different - see images at right
- no text running around outer selvages
- new text in panel of bottom left stamp
- No serial number
- modified text at bottom:

1939 (Undated) 60 Poster Stamps: 4 Sheets of 4 Different "Air Heroes" (Famous Pilots). Each Sheet In 2 Different Colors. "Compliments of Skelly Oil Co." To Be Placed In "Captain Midnight's (Radio Show) Album". Perfed/Ungummed. 76 X 102 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 1-1

1939 1939 61?? Poster Stamps: 100 stamps, National Wildlife Federation, 1939

First mentioned on PSB page 04-1-1 (February, 1939). The top right stamp on the sheet says the stamps have NPSS approval. But no certificate number. I have assigned 61 arbitrarily, since there's a big gap to fill from 60 to 71.


1939 1939 62?? Three poster stamps - ST. PAUL WINTER CARNIVAL - JAN 28th to FEB 5th, 1939

Credit in lower margin says "© GREENE ENGRAVING CO. SAINT PAUL, MINN"

First mentioned on PSB page 04-1-5 (February, 1939) with heading "Approved by N.P.S.S." But no certificate number. I have assigned 62 arbtrarily, since there's a big gap to fill from 60 to 71.

Were these printed on the same sheet, or three separate sheets? Was there a Certificate number in the selvage? Only The Shadow knows.

1939 1938 71 Sheet of 100 ABRAHAM LINCOLN - IMMORTAL AMERICAN Poster Stamps.
Measures 21" x 20" - Sheet consists of five sets of twenty designs.
Published by Prints and Poster Stamps, Inc., 211 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL - Copyright 1938 by R. L. Parkinson
From the Original Paintings by Louis Bonhajo - Chicago.
Titled - A Series of Poster Stamps of Universal Interest and Appeal in the Life of ABRAHAM LINCOLN - IMMORTAL AMERICAN - They ring with Americanism, Character and Educational Value. Every Boy and Girl Should Own a Set.
Officially approved by the National Poster Stamp Society, Chicago, ILL CERTIFICATE NUMBER 71.

There was also a booklet to mount the stamps in, also published by Parkinson.

This set was announced in the PSB on page 05-1-1, February, 1939, which states that the stamps were distributed as a promotional gimmick by Dari-Rich Chocolate Flavored Drink. Such promotions were popular at that time.

AND, in 1940, the designs were reused as publicity for the Presidential campaign of Wendell Willkie! (See bottom two images at right) One has to assume Parkinson was a Willkie supporter. I found these on eBay with this description:

Sheet of 20 different ABRAHAM LINCOLN - WENDELL WILLKIE Poster Stamps. The sheet measures 18" x 5", published by Historic Prints & Poster Stamps Inc, Times Building, Chicago, ILL and copyright 1940 - FORWARD WITH WILLKIE IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF LINCOLN - Labeled as follows: Lincoln Visits Grant 1865; Lincoln with his Son Tad; Lincoln and Ann Rutledge; Lincoln Moves to Illinois; Statue of Libery; Lincoln the Country Lawyer; Lincolns at Gettysburg 1863; Lincoln's Birthplace; Lincoln Memorial; The Capitol Builging; Lincolln Light Peace Memorial, Gettysburg, PA; Flat Boat to New Orleans; The Boy Lincoln; St. Gaudens Lincoln; Statue of Lincoln - Washington, DC; Lincoln Spirit of Americanism; Lincoln's Tomb, Springfield, ILL; The Rail Splitter; Signing the Emancipation Proclamation; First Nomination 1860.



1939 1939 72 Poster Stamps: Set of 100 poster stamps entitled: The History of Chicagoland issued in 1939 by Jewel Food Stores.

Album to hold stamps. Last scan shows page with NPSS Certificate, but seller tells me it is so tiny and poorly printed it is almost impossible to read!

Note the complex system for distributing these stamps (second scan) it would have been very difficult to complete the set! There must have been a simpler way to get them.

Thanks to eBay seller "decoray" for this find.

Mentioned on PSB page 03-6-3, (December, 1938), with picture of six stamps. Also 04-4-1, August, 1939, which says the promotion was so successful it would be repeated.

1939 1939 74 Poster Stamps: Set of 25 Simple Color Drawings of Birds. Issued In Sets of 4 With Each Can of "Horlick's Malted Milk Sweet Chocolate Flavor". (Full Sheets Possibly Don't Exist). Perfed/ Gummed. 42 X 47 mm.

Booklet: "Bird Poster Stamps". 6 Page Booklet to Affix Above Stamps. Red, Blue, White Covers. 164 X 129 mm

Mentioned on PSB pages 04- 2-1 (April, 1939) and 04-2-3, with picture of two stamps. Note instructions for obtaining the album and stamps. One had to mail in a label to get the album, which came with four stamps available only by that method. The remaining 21 stamps were to be found in cans of Horlick's. I don't see how one could have completed a set without great effort, but perhaps there was another way. And finding them today is tricky, as they have no text other than the bird name.

6/1/17 - Collector Bud Hahn sent me images of the album and the four stamps that came with it. Note the NPSS credit and Cert # on the last page.


1939 1939 75 ROYAL TOUR OF CANADA AND THE U.S. - May 17 thru June 15, 1939

Poster Stamps: Sheet of 9 (3 X 3) of Royal Family (4) & Scenes Pertaining to Their Visit to Canada. Multi Colored On White. (Printed In Canada). Perfed/Gummed. 158 X 209 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 2-5, (April, 1939), with picture of two stamps.

1939 1939 77 50th Anniversary of North Dakota Statehood; S/S: Sheet of 8 (2 X 4) Labels Pertaining to North Dakota. Black Marginal Inscriptions, on White. Imperf/Gummed. 162 X 210 mm

North Dakota Philatelic Association.


Two color varieties - Orange & Black, Orange, Black & Green

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 4-5 (August, 1939), with picture of eight stamps.

- Same as Above: but Rouletted Around Each Label.

1939 June 1, 1939 79 Labels: Sheet of 24 (4 X 6) Brock, Norman H. (Brock's Hobby Shop), San Antonio, Texas Multi-Colored Labels Expounding on the Glories of San Antonio, Texas. 22 About San Antonio, 1 About National Poster Stamp Soc. & 1 Advertising Brock's Hobby Shop. Perfed/Gummed. Labels 52 X 40 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 4-3 (August, 1939), with picture of six stamps.

- Labels: Same as Above, but With Black Overprint, "June 1, 1939" on most of the labels.
(I can find nothing to explain this overprint - the date does not seem to have special significance for San Antonio - ???)

6/1/17 - Collector Bud Hahn sent me an image of the UNoverprinted sheetlet (from Ken Picklo's collection) - the first I have seen!

1939 1939 80 Poster Stamps: "Explore Nebraska." 5 Scenic Views. Blue & Red on White. Each stamp measures 50mm x 58mm

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 5-1 (October, 1939), with picture of five stamps. That article says there were to have been 25 stamps in the series, 5 per week for 5 weeks. I have never seen more than the five shown here, so either that was a mistake, or the plan was dropped.

- Imperf singles exist, so there must be imperf sheetlets.


Announced on PSB page 04-5-1 (October, 1939), with picture of ten stamps. According to that article, there were to be THIRTY-SIX sheets of poster stamps and post-r-seals, 24 with 12 stamps each, and 12 with nine stamps each.

The sheetlets mention the NPSS, but no Certificate number, so I am guessing based on the date that these fall after number 80 - so 81.

The three POST-R-SEALS sheets shown are the only ones I have seen, and they do mention the NPSS, so I am assuming they belong to this series, but they do NOT mention Giant Clipper, so I may be wrong. Can anyone provide more information?

11/10/2018 - note final image, of the cover of one of the writing tablets!

08/09/2019 - added FAMOUS FIRST FLIGHTS

Titles of POSTER STAMP sheets shown:

The POST-R-SEALS sheets have no titles - the first shown has symbols of the American West, the second has Aircarft Insignia, the third has breeds of dogs.


1939 1939 83 (Not in F-P)

Centennial of Baseball Commemorative Poster Stamps
Set of 25

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 2-1 (April, 1940), with picture of two stamps and description of the album to hold them.

(That page says erroneously that there are twenty stamps - should say 25.)

A MUST-SEE: PDF with full scan of the booklet, including all the stamps HERE.

  (Undated) 84 (Not in F-P)

Valley Forge PA Souvenir Poster Stamps
Sheet of twelve vintage vignettes depicting views of attractions of Valley Forge. The sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 84. Approximate sheet size: 7in x 7in.

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 6-1 (December, 1939), with picture of four stamps.

1939 1939 85 (Not in F-P)

Storyland Stamps
Sheet of 48 (numbered) vignettes depicting scenes from famous children's books. Issued by Horlick's Malted Milk Corporation. Booklet issued to hold the stamps carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 85. Distributed as a purchase premium to Horlick users. Described in Horlick ads as "selected by leading librarians", fairy tales and stories depicted on the stamps include: Robin Hood, Alice in Wonderland, David and Goliath, Black Beauty, Heidi, Daniel Boone, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Pied Piper of Hamlin, Scrooge, Moby Dick, Excaliber, Hans Brinker, and many others. Approximate stamp size: 38mm x 47 mm; Overall sheet size: 10in x 16in.

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 6-1 (December, 1939), with picture of four stamps.

Each stamp has text at bottom - "STORYLAND STAMP No. xx - © 1939, HORLICKS.

Full list of stamps from a recent eBay auction:
1.Alice and the Rabbit 2. Thumbelina on the Water-Lily Leaf 3. Aladdin and the Lamp 4.Munchausen and the Stag 5.David Hurls the Stone 6. Black Beauty's Rescue from the Fire 7. Caddie Rides to the Rescue 8.Marlley's Ghost Appears to Scrooge 9. Philip Marsham in Irons 10. David Copperfield Arrives at Aunt Betsy's 11. Charles in the Hurricane 12. Don Quixote and the Windmills 13.Kate and Jansci Dancing 14. Hansel and the Witch15.Gulliver in Captivity 16.Hans Skating on the Canal 17. Heidi and Her Pets 18. Hitty Carried Away by the Crow 19.Huck and Jim on the Raft 20.Ivanhoe Goes to the Tournament 21.David Balfour Wrecked at Sea 22.Arthur Receives the Sword 23.Hawkeye and His Long Rifle 24.Jo Sells Her Long Hair 25.The Knighting of Myles 26.Bottom and the Fairy Queen 27.Captain Ahab Sights His Enemy 28.Peter Teaches the Children to Fly 29.The Pied Piper and the Rats 30.Pinocchio Loses His Feet 31.Rebecca on the Bridge 32.Rip and the Little Stranger 33.Robin Hood at the Tournament 34.Crusoe Discovers a Footprint 35.Mary Follows a Cry in the Night 36.Smoky's First Lesson from Clint 37.Tom Bailey Escapes from his room 38.Fritz Dodges a Coconut 39.Jason Taming the Bulls 40.d'Artagnan Meets the Musketeers 41.Toby Watches Ella Ride 42.Tom Brown Fights the Bully 43.Whitewashing the Fence 44.Jim Hawkins and Long John 45.Pierre Boarding the Submarine 46.Tom Discovers He Is Dirty 47.Mr. Toad's Escape 48.Dorothy and the Scarecrow.

1939 1939 86 (Not in F-P)


Sheet of 32 stamps, 4 sets of 8 images showing scenes in the tulip gardens of Holland, MI. Ebay seller said the text in the selvage designated this as having NPSS Certificate number 86.

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 6-1 (December, 1939), with picture of six stamps.

1940 1940 87 Labels: Sheet of 35 (7 X 5) Labels of the subjects of the Famous Americans stamps of 1940. Photo, Dates of Birth & Death & Occupation. Top & Bottom Marginal Inscriptions. Black & Olive, On White. Perfed/Gummed. Labels 40 X 45 mm. Positive Publishing Co., N.Y.C., N.Y.

Envelope: "35 Poster Stamps for the Famous American Series. Add a Set to Your Collection. Send a Set to Your Friends."

Top of sheet reads "35 Poster Stamps 35. Famous Americans who have achieved outstanding distinction in the Arts and Sciences, and were selected and placed on Postage Stamps by the United States Government in the year 1940.

Bottom of sheet reads "Copyright 1940 by William F. Schott. Published by Positive Publishing Company, New York, N. Y. Officially approved by the National Poster Stamp Society . . . Certificate No. 87 . . . Distributed by (blank space underneath for a dealer to add his imprint)

There are at least two colors - see images at right.

See Cert. # 101

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 1-1 (February, 1940), with picture of four stamps.


1940 1940 88 PINOCCHIO 1940 Walt Disney Poster Stamps Collection

32 poster stamps mounted in a special stamp album published and distributed by the Independent Grocers Alliance of America as premiums with the purchase of IGA products. The stamps depict drawings specially produced by Disney studios to tell the story of Walt Disney's movie version of PINOCCHIO.

Each stamp measures 41mm x 54mm. Closed album measures 6 13/16in x 4 13/16in.

The album includes a miniature copy of the National Poster Stamp Society Certificate of Approval No. 88 inside the back cover.

(Thanks to eBay seller kaw824 for images and text for this item.)

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 1-1 (February, 1940), with picture of four stamps.

12/30/17 - NEW FINDS BELOW!

1940 1940 89 Labels: Sheet of 24 labels (6 X 4) promoting "Maine Vacationland", sheet size = 10-7/8" x 11-1/4". Perfed/Gummed. Each stamp is 1-3/4" x 2-5/8"

State of Maine Poster Stamps Distributed by the Maine Development Commission, Augusta, Maine, Everette F. Greaton, Executive Secretary - State of Maine Publicity Bureau, Portland, Maine, Guy P. Butler, Manager - National Poster Stamp Society, Chicago, Ill. Certificate No. 89 - For Stamp Collecting Information, write above at 2445 S. Damen Ave.

Copyrighted 1940 Maine Poster Stamp Society - Joy Dow Jr., President

[Thanks to Paul Smith of Petersburg, West Virginia for the images and data]

There is an album for the stamps.

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 2-3 (April, 1940), with picture of four stamps.

1940 1940 90 Labels: Sheet of 30 (6 X 5). Poster Stamps Of 30 Different "Lincoln" Photos From the "Meserve Collection". Black & Tan. Perfed/Gummed. Labels 44 X 50 mm. Historical Prints & Poster Stamps, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Includes a 20 Page Book to Hold Stamps & Tell Story of Each.

Sheet of 30 different ABRAHAM LINCOLN Poster Stamps. The sheet measures 11 1/2" x 12 1/2".

LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY EDITION - POSTER STAMP SERIES No. 2 of ABRAHAM LINCOLN IMMORTAL AMERICAN - These poster stamps have been produced from prints made from the original negatives or negatives made from the original photographs in the MESERVE COLLECTION. They are published with the consent and approval of F. H. Meserve, New York City, The portray a vivid, timely and interesting photographic study of the Great Emancipator. Everyone should own a set. Published by Historic Poster Stamps Inc, 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago. Copyright 1940 by R. L. Parkinson - Officially approved by the National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 90. Original photos by Brady, von Schneider, Church, Butler, Fassett, Cole, Hesler, German, Jackson, Pearson, Gardner, Joslin.

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 3-1 (June, 1941), with picture of two stamps and the album.

1940 (Undated) 91? "Keep Your Country Growing - Not Burning - Prevent Forest Fires"

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 3-5 (June, 1940), with picture. Also mentioned in "American Forests" volume 46, a message from the NPSS saying the Society is indeed glad to give you a certificate of approval on this poster stamp.
(Thanks, Google Books.)

1940 1940 92 DIETZ - Poster Stamps: Sheet of 25 (5 X 5). Color Facsimiles of Flags of the 21 Countries of the Pan-American Union (50th Anniversary). Blue Inscriptions at Top & Bottom Of the Sheet. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Perfed/Gummed. 241 X 280 mm. Sales Envelope Is Blue on White.

Rare! Vintage sheet of 25 poster stamps designed by the master artist/cachetmaker Ludwig W. Staehle and published by Frederick H. Dietz to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Pan American Union. The sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 92. The sheet is listed in the Parks supplement as additional Design H for page 54 of The Cachet Catalog of Staehle & Knapp. Approximate sheet size: 9.5in x 11mm

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 3-1 (June, 1940), with picture of four stamps.

Sales envelope

1940 1940 93 Labels: 1940 Scenic Views - Double Sheet of 50 Different VISIT OKLAHOMA Poster Stamps - Scenes (25 Black & Green; 25 Black & Red) Vintage tourism promotion vignettes published by the Oklahoma Travel Association, Inc. Approximate size of each stamp: 45mm x 65mm. The sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 93. Approximate size of each stamp: 52mm x 38mm. Approximate sheet size: 10.9in x 16.2in. (277 X 410 mm)

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 4-1 (August, 1940), with picture of six stamps.

YES, there was a booklet for the stamps, and a lot of thought and effort went into it. Look at the scans below of some of the pages.

1940 1940 94 Labels: Sheet of 6 (3 X 2) Scenes of New York Worlds Fair. Produced for the second year of the New York World's Fair. Marginal Inscriptions at Left. Blue & Red, on White. Perfed/Gummed. Labels 51 X 38 mm. Ever Ready Label Corp.

(image courtesy of Bud Hahn)

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 4-1 (August, 1940), with picture of two stamps.

DIETZ - 100th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamp; S/S: Black & Gold Center & Black Marginal Inscriptions On White. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 90 X 126 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 05-5-2 (October, 1940), with picture.

1940 1940 97 DIETZ - 50th Anniversary of Idaho Statehood; S/S: Black & Gold Facsimile of Great Seal of the State of Idaho. Black Marginal Inscriptions on White. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 91 X 128 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 05-5-6 (October, 1940), with picture.

1940 1940 98 DIETZ - 50th Anniversary of Wyoming Statehood; S/S: Same as Idaho State- Hood Issue, but With Great Seal of the State of Wyoming.

Mentioned on PSB page 05-5-6 (October, 1940), with picture.

1940 (undated) 100 "Come to Maryland" - Series of 25 stamps depicting the "outstanding recreational, historic, and scenic" attractions of the state.

Mentioned on PSB page 05- 4-1, with picture of three stamps. Also an ad for them on PSB page 05-4-3 (August, 1940), with cert #

I suspect there was a booklet for these - has anyone seen it?

1940 1940 101 DIETZ - Poster Stamps: Sheet of 35 (7 X 5). Photos, Fields & Dates of Persons Honored on the U.S. Famous Americans issue of Postage Stamps of 1940. Gold & Black On White. Inscriptions at Top & Bottom of Sheet. Perfed/Gummed. 255 X 308 mm.

Envelope: "35 Poster Stamps for the Famous American Series. Add a Set to Your Collection. Send a Set to Your Friends."

See Cert. # 87.

Mentioned on PSB page 05-5-2 (October, 1940), with picture of two stamps.

1940 1940 101a Imperf. version of 101  
1940 (Undated) 102 DIETZ - S.S. America; S/S: Blue & Red Photo of the S.S. America & its House Flag. Blue Marginal Imprints, Including Specifications of the Ship & Crew. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 140 X 90 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 05-5-5 (October, 1940), with picture.

1940 (Undated) 105 DIETZ - U.S.A. National Defense; S/S: Drawing of a Soldier, Sailor & American Flag, with Facsimiles of Set of 3 U.S. "Defense" Stamps In Corners. Blue & Red on White. Perfed Center/Gummed. 98 X 134 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 05-6-4 (December, 1940), with picture.

1940 (Undated) 106 DIETZ - U.S.A. National Defense; S/S: Drawings of Eagle, torch, American Flag, etc. with Facsimiles of Set of 3 U.S. "Defense" Stamps In Corners. Blue & Red on White. Perfed Center/Gummed. 98 X 134 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 05-6-4 (December, 1940), with picture.

1940 (Undated) 107 WISCONSIN'S OUTDOORS

2/4/19 - Found on eBay

Mentioned on PSB page 05-6-1 (December, 1940), with pictures of some of the stamps.

This sheet has exactly the same format as the MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS stamps, of which we have seen eight(!) sheets, so there could be more of these too.

6/20/19 - I found another eBay auction with a block of just twelve of these in a booklet, shown at right.


1941 (Undated) 109 S/S: same format as the Dietz S/S's, but his name is not on it.

Not in F-P.

Central image of Minute Man, American Flag behind, eagle in front. text below: "United for Defense - Like 1775 So Today - To Keep Our Liberty and Security." Text on side panel includes "Published by Agruba Stamp Company." and "Designed by L.W. Staehle." Perfed/Gummed. mm.

Not mentioned in the PSB.

11/27/17 - I just found the second and third images in my archives - steps 1 & 2 from a set of progressive proofs of this label! Their creation dates are five years ago, so no telling where I got them.

1941 1941 110 DIETZ - Poster Stamps: Sheet of 35 (7 X 5). Photos & Dates of the 32 Presidents of the U.S (as of 1941), White House, Capitol Bldg., & Great Seal of U.S. Gold & Black on White. Inscriptions at Top & Bottom of Sheet. Perfed/Gummed. 250 X 306 mm.

YES, I know it says "31 PRESIDENTS" on the sheet, but 32 are shown!

Not mentioned in the PSB.

1941 1941 110a Not in F-P

IMPERF version of 110/Gummed. 250 X 306 mm.

Not mentioned in the PSB.

1941 (Undated) 111 DIETZ - S/S: 150th Anniversary of Vermont Statehood. Seal & Drawing of State-House. Blue & Yellow Center With Blue Inscriptions. Perfed Center/Gummed. 88 X 124 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 2-4, with picture.

1941 1941 112 "Thru Kansas on Highway US 40" - set of 24 stamps

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 2-3, with picture of six stamps. 6/1/17 - Thanks to Bud Hahn for image of complete sheet, with Certificate number.

1941 1941 113 (not in F-P)

Poster stamps: US 1941 WWII BAAC St George Stamps by Arthur Szyk

MOS # 3610.01 - Sheet of twenty-five vintage fund raising vignettes depicting St. George slaying a swastika emblazoned dragon. as listed in Mosbaugh's U.S. All Funds Catalog - Section VII ETHNIC SEALS. Designed for the British American Ambulance Corps, Inc. and signed in plate by Arthur Szyk, the sheet carries the designation: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 113. Approximate size: 9.9in x 12.45in.

(Thanks, rogbon)

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 2-1, with picture of stamp.

1941 (Undated) 114 S/S: Fleetwood Cover Service, Mt. Vernon, New York 150 Years of Vermont Statehood. 2 Scenes of Scenery & Sugar Season. Marginal Inscriptions. Brown, Green & Gold on White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 90 X 127 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 2-4, with picture.

  (Undated) 115 Labels: Sheet of 25 (5 X 5) Different Scenes of Missouri Landmarks. "Tourist/Travel Series". "Published & Distributed By/Missouri Chamber of Commerce". Perfed/Gummed. (Labels 45 X 57 Mm) 222 X 326 mm

Sheet of 25 vintage vignettes inscribed: Tourist Travel Series published by the Missouri State Chamber of Commerce. National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 115. Sheet size: 8.75in x 12.9in.

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 3-1, with pictures of 6 stamps.

  (Undated) 117 Not in F-P

Labels: Sheet of 32 (4 X 8) US flag stamps - "OLD GLORY."
Published by S.N. ROONEY, NEW YORK, N.Y.
Officially approved by the National Poster Stamp Society , Certificate No. 117.

Not mentioned in the PSB.

1941? ?? 118 (From Roger Riga, June, 2011)
Set of four sheets, all PSS number 118

Each sheet has the following credit line:
Printed in the U.S.A. by The Schilling Press, Inc., 137 E. 25th St., New York City. Photos by White Studio

No further information regarding their source or purpose or if there are any other similar sheets for other institutions.

US NAVAL ACADEMY Poster Stamps Sheet
Mint sheet of 24 vintage vignettes (eight each of three different photos by White Studio). Overall sheet size: 10.4in x 16in.

Mint sheet of 24 vintage vignettes (eight each of three different photos by White Studio). Overall sheet size: 16in x 10.4in.

Mint sheet of 24 vintage vignettes (eight each of three different photos by White Studio). Overall sheet size: 10.4in x 16in.

Mint sheet of 24 vintage vignettes (eight each of three different photos by White Studio). Overall sheet size: 16in x 10.4in.

(courtesy of Roger Riga)

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 4-1, with pictures of the one stamp each from the first three schools.

On page 06-3-6 of the PSB a stamp from the set for West Point is mentioned and shown.





1941 May 2-4 119 Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs. Fond Du Lac, Wisc.; May 2-4; 10th Annual Convention; S/S: 4 Labels. Top Left & Lower Right Are Facsimiles of U.S. "Wisconsin" Stamp. Top Right & Lower Left Are Facsimiles of S.P.A. Poster Stamps. Red, Green, Purple On White. Sheet Has Center Lines & Arrows. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 167 X 143 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 3-2, with picture.

- Same as Above: but Imperf.

  (Undated) 120 "UPHOLD OLD GLORY and DEMOCRACY"

Four flag vignettes with text
The sheet is gummed and measures 127mm x 179mm.
"1939" appears under each of the four vignettes.
It has zig-zag roulettes, horizontally from the left edge of the sheet to about 6 mm past the right line of horizontal roulettes, i.e., about 13mm short of the right edge of the sheet; vertically extending about 13 mm past the upper and about 16 mm past the lower line of horizontal roulettes but not through to the edges.

"Published by Arving Whitworth, P. O. Box 55, Terre Haute, Indiana" (All I could find out about Arving Whitworth on the www is that he published the book "Covered bridges: Parke County, Indiana")

(courtesy of Roger Riga)

Mentioned on PSB page 04- 3-4, with picture of stamp.

    121-123 S/S's: Commemorating the New U.S. Airmail Stamps of 1941. Photos of AirCraft & Marginal Inscriptions, on White, with stamp denominations in corners. 3 Sets of 3. 142 X 88 Mm


6/6/17 - Bud Hahn sent me a scan of an article by John Hotchner in the 8/2/04 issue of Linn's, revealing a new variety of all three of these sheetlets, with the denominations "10¢&15¢" in the top, right corners. I assume these were the original versions, and Dietz saw his error (he had already listed "10¢" in the top left), then issued corrected versions, with "15¢&20¢," and later issued those corrected versions with simulated perfs. All are now pictured below. I have revised the F-P descriptions below to reflect this new knowledge. Thanks, Bud and John!

It seems to me Dietz mis-corrected himself - he should have changed the denominations in the top LEFT corner, from "6¢&10¢" to "6¢&8¢," and then added "20¢" somewhere else, though that would have destroyed the symmetry.

U.S. Airmail stamps of 1941, C25-31.
Denominations are 6¢, 8¢, 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 30¢, and 50¢.
The Dietz labels below list only SIX of these denominations, omitting the 8¢ - curious.

  (Undated) 121 DIETZ:

- a. Eastern "Silverliner". Silver & Blue On White. Perfed/Gummed. Stamp denominations in top right corner are "10¢&15¢"

- b. Same as a, but stamp denominations in top right corner are "15¢&20¢"

- c. Same as b, but Brown On White, and Imperf.

Second version is described and pictured on PSB page 06-4-6.

  (Undated) 122 DIETZ:

- a. TWA "Stratoliner". Silver & Blue On White. Perfed/Gummed. Stamp denominations in top right corner are "10¢&15¢"

- b. Same as a, but stamp denominations in top right corner are "15¢&20¢"

- c. Same as b, but Brown On White, and Imperf.

Second version is described and pictured on PSB page 06-4-6.

11/27/17 - What about the fourth image? Paper looks blue, plane is blue and gray rather than silver. Is that a new variety, or just a changeling, colors altered by oxidation?

  (Undated) 123 DIETZ:

- a. Pan American "Clipper". Silver & Blue On White. Perfed/Gummed. Stamp denominations in top right corner are "10¢&15¢"

- b. Same as a, but stamp denominations in top right corner are "15¢&20¢"

- c. Same as b, but Brown On White, and Imperf.

Second version is described and pictured on PSB page 06-4-6.

11/27/17 - What about the fourth image? Paper looks blue, plane is blue and gray rather than silver. Is that a new variety, or just a changeling, colors altered by oxidation?

  Aug 19, 1941 121-3 AUG. 19; NATIONAL AVIATION DAY;


  Aug 19, 1941 121-3 4/11/19 - Collector John Shue sent the images at right, of all three of the overprints on National Aviation Day, PLUS the ad, which looks like it was from a handout at that show! Thanks, John.  
  (Undated) 124 DIETZ - S/S: "B-19, the World's Largest Bomber". Picture of B-19 In the Air. Specifications at the Bottom. Black & Blue on White. Imperf/Gummed. 142 X 93 Mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 06-5-2.

  (Undated) 125 DIETZ - S/S: 1st U.S. Philatelic Seal; Facsimile of Mcgreely's Express Stamp Over Printed, "Pacific Philatelic Society of San Francisco, September 1902". Black Seal & Blue Inscriptions, on White. Imperf/Gummed. 140 X 44 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 06-5-2.

1941 1941 126 Sheet of 50 Poster Stamps. Dimensions 9" x 12".

Text in margins:


Thanks to eBay seller scmbgetty for this new find.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 06-5-1.

1941   127 Sheet of 24 Poster Stamps. Michigan's Outdoors - 1941

Mentioned on PSB page 06-5- 1. Since the 1943 issue of this series had a cert, I suspect this one did too.

6/10/14 - Yup - found on eBay today!


  (Undated) 128 (Not in F-P)

Sheetlet of 12 "V for Victory" patriotic poster stamps, two each of six designs.

Inscription in top selvage:
"Published by DODD-SIMPSON PRESS (1938) LIMITED (Printed in Canada)
2764 Notre Dame St., West - Montreal, Canada

Inscription in bottom selvage:
2445 So. Damien Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. (Certificate No. 128)

Perforated and gummed.

Dimensions of each stamp = approximately 52mm x 68mm
Dimensions of entire sheetlet = approximately 179mm x 300mm.

Mentioned on PSB page 06-5- 1, with a picture of the six stamps.
  (Undated) 130 (Not in F-P)

WWII 1942 Heroic Americans Poster Stamps Collection

Sheet of 30 Poster Stamps. Dimensions 12" X 12 1/2". HEROIC AMERICANS - POSTER STAMP SERIES NO. 3 - FROM THE ORIGINAL WATER COLOR PAINTINGS BY LOUIS BONHAJO - PUBLISHED BY HISTORIC PRINTS AND POSTER STAMPS INC, 211 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL Copyright 1942, R. L. Parkinson - Officially approved by the National Pster Stamp Society Certificate No. 130.

This item is a collection of 30 poster stamps depicting American heroes mounted in a special stamp album. The album and stamps depicting watercolors by the artist Louis Bonhajo were produced by Roscoe L. Parkinson, published by HISTORIC PRINTS & POSTER STAMPS of Chicago and distributed by Jewel Food Stores to promote the purchase of U.S. Defense Bonds and Stamps during WWII. Although not appearing on the individual stamps or the album, this issue is known to carry the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 130. Each stamp measures 45mm x 55mm. Closed album measures 4in x 8 7/8in.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-1-1





  (Undated) 131 (Not in F-P)

12/01/2009 - A visitor to this site writes:

In a recent auction lot I received 2 full sheets of Federation of Crippled and Disabled stamps with the National poster stamp society certificate no 131. One page has a red brown border with a dark brown design of a man and women looking up at a beam of light. The second page has the same design but with an apple green border and a deep green design. The pages are in five rows of 10 with the following inscriptions in the borders:

The Federation employs only Disabled People - Copyright 1942 Federation of Crippled and Disabled, INC. - Approved by The National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 131 - Designed by Richard A. Loederer - Produced by Herman Jaffe - Help us Build for Future Happiness

And across the top of the page is the following heading:
Federation Of Crippled And Disabled, INC 1931 Broadway New York, N.Y.

- Robert Jobe

Our thanks to Mr. Jobe

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-1-2

  (Undated) 132 Labels: Sheet of 64 (8 X 8) Different U.S. National, State, Presidential Flags & Seals, In Color. Produced By Herman Jaffe, N.Y.C. Sponsored By "Friends of Democracy, Inc.". N.Y.C., N.Y. Perfed/Gummed. 456 X 385 mm

Sheet of 64 PATRIOTIC United States Poster Stamps. The sheet measures 18" x 15".

UNITED STATES FLAGS - NATIONAL, STATE, TERRITORIAL, PRESIDENTIAL FLAGS AND SEALS - SYMBOLS OF UNITY - Produced by Herman Jaffe, New York, NY - Copyright 1942 - Sponsored and Distributed by FRIENDS OF DEMOCRACY INC, L. M. BIRKHEAD, National Director, Eastern Regional Office, 103 Park Ave, New York. Approved by the National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 132.

Thanks to eBay seller scmbgetty for the image.

1941 (Undated) 134 Poster Stamps:

WWII 1941 Civilian Defense Insignia Poster Stamps
Sheet of fifteen vintage vignettes depicting the sleeve insignia of the various groups of U.S. Civilian Defense Workers, plus five text labels and marginal inscriptions. Published by the Barnum Poster Stamp Exchange, the sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 134. Approximate size of each stamp: 64mm x 44mm. Overall sheet size: 10.2in x 9.4in.

Mentioned on PSB page 07- 1-5, with pictures of two stamps.

1942 (Undated) 138 Labels: Sheet of 28 Military Division Insignias In Color.

Mentioned on PSB page 07- 1-5, with pictures of three stamps.

1941   140? Sheet of 24 Poster Stamps. "West Virginia - Scenic Crossroads"


Mentioned on PSB page 07-5- 1 (October, 1942). No mention of a cert, but it looks like a candidate to me.

1942 (Undated) 141 (Not in F-P)
Labels: Sheet of 50 American Flying Services Foundation labels (10 each of the five designs shown) in blue and red.
(Warda # WW-305-109)

Not mentioned or shown in the PSB

1942 June 13 144 DIETZ - Douglas Macarthur Day; S/S: Photo of Gen. Macarthur. Black on White. Imperf/Gummed. 88 X 125 mm

4/10/07 - Dealer David Semsrott wrote me as follows:

I have Certificate No. 144, Win with MacArthur, one is black and white and the other in pastel color.

See images - many thanks, David.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-3-6
1942 (Undated) 145 S/S: Fleetwood Cover Service, Mt. Vernon, New York for 150th Anniversary of Kentucky Statehood. Horseshoe Over State Capital. Marginal Inscriptions. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Perfed Center/Gummed. 88 X 107 mm
  (Undated) 145a Same as Above: but Imperf with simulated perforation printed instead.
  June 1 146 DIETZ - S/S: 150th Anniversary of Kentucky Statehood. Daniel Boone & Seal of Kentucky In Green, Blue & Yellow, with Blue Marginal Imprints. Imperf/Ungummed. 88 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-4-6

1942 June 13 147 DIETZ - Douglas Macarthur Day, "New York at War Day"; S/S: American Flag & Brown "V". Blue on White. Imperf/Gummed. 90 X 125 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-4-3.

  1943 147 Not in F-P

Honor your mother by helping other mothers

Two colors known - red and blue - other colors may exist

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-3-3.

BUT the sheet says its number is 147, which already belongs to the item above.

Another slipup by the PSS!

2/7/18 - I found the images at right, below, of a booklet for this set of stamps!


  July 4 148 DIETZ - "Win the War" "On to Victory"; S/S: Gold Eagle on Red, White & Blue Shield. Blue on White. Imperf/Gummed. 90 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-4-2.

  July 7 149 DIETZ - Resistance By the Chinese Against Japanese Aggression; S/S: Dragon Over Sun Rising In Front of China Star. Red, Yellow, White & Blue, With Blue Marginal Imprints. Imperf/Ungummed. 90 X 125 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-4-2.

1942   151 Sheet of 24 Poster Stamps. Michigan's Outdoors - 1942

Mentioned on PSB page 07-5- 1. Since the 1943 issue of this series had a cert, I suspect this one did too.

6/10/14 - Yup, found on eBay!


  Oct. 12 153 DIETZ - S/S: Columbus Discovers America & Keep America Free. Red, Yellow & Black on White. Imperf/Gummed. 90 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-6-6.

1943 (Undated) 155 Sheet of 50 (10 X 5) different patriotic poster stamps. Stamps designed for the National War Poster Competition. Each numbered label has the title & artists name at bottom, & biography on gummed side. Each sheet is numbered in red on back of margin. "Artists for Victory, Inc.". N.Y.C., N.Y. Reproduced by "Ever Ready Label Co.". Perfed/Gummed. (Each stamp 1.75 X 2.65 in. = 44 X 62 mm). 495 X 315 mm - (Recently available on eBay for $225.) Note the size - the full sheet is 12-1/2 inches by 19-1/2 inches!

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-3-1.

  Jan 14 156 Listed in F-P, but without Cert #

DIETZ - Honoring the United Nations - S/S; Nations United Fighting For Victory & Liberty. Red, Yellow, White, Blue & Black Center With Blue Marginal Printing. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperf/Ungummed. 90 X 126 mm

(Image on right side is a gummed label with same design as center of PSS sheetlet, on whiter paper)

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-2-3.

  (Undated) 157 DIETZ - The Four Freedoms; S/S: Multi-cColored Statue of Liberty, Speaker, Holy Book. Blue Marginal Inscriptions, On White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperef/Ungummed. 90 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-2-2.

  (Undated) 159 Poster Stamps: Sheet of 20 (4 X 5). "Fighting Americans". Honoring U.S. Military Heros. "Copyright 1943, R.L. Parkinson". 98 X 225 mm

Sheet of 20 different World War II poster stamps. Copyright 1943.
From original watercolor paintings by Louis Bonhajo - Published by Roscoe Parkinson, 40 So. Clinton Street, Chicago, ILL. Copyright 1943 - National Poster Stamp Society Certificate 159.

DESIGNS: VALOR FOR VICTORY; General Douglas MacArthur - Hero of Bataan; Admiral William Halsey - Naval Commander; Captain John S. Phillips, USN, Commanding Officer; Capt. Colin P. Kelly, US Army Air Corps - Flying Fortress Pilot - deceased; Major H. T. Wheless - Daring courageous Air Officer; Capt. Arthur, U. S. Army - Fighting One Man Army of Bataan; Anna Bernatitus, LT, US Mavy Nurse Corps - Fearless and Devoted; Lt. Col. James Deveraux, USMC - Defender of Wake Island; Commander Frank Fenno Jr - Submarine Commander; LtCdr John Bulkley USN, PT Boat Squadron Commander; LtCdr Edward O'Hare - Intrepid Naval Flying Ace; Lt John James Powers - missing - Immortal Navy Flyerl LtCdr Corydon, Naval Medical Officer; LtCdr Frederick Warder - U. S. Submarine Seawolf; Major Gen James Doolittle, USA, Commanded first flight to Tokyo; Major John Smith, USMC - Area Commander Squadron VMF 223; Captain Edward Moran USN - Commander USS Boise; Corporal Barney Ross, USMC - Marine Hero of Guadalcanal and Joseph Day, Sgt, USA, The Flag Goes Ashore in Africa/ Medal of Honor recipients.

Booklet: to Mount Above Labels & Stories of Persons Shown. 98 X 225 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-4-1.

  June 22 161 DIETZ - S/S Honoring the Overrun Nations In Europe. Multi-Colored Shield & Flags, on White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperf/Gummed. 92 X 125 mm

a. Same as Above: but With 3 White Stars In Blue Squares at Top and missing second line of text at bottom.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-6-4.

Note text at bottom - one line of text is missing from the version with the stars. This suggests to me that it was issued first, and then the stars had to be removed to make room for the extra line of text.

  (Undated) 162 DIETZ - Labels: Full Sheet of 12 Different Flags of "Overrun Countries" In Color. Blue Marginal Inscriptions, on White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 90 X 125 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-4-4.

1947? (Undated) 162 Not in F-P

Labels: Sheet of Photo Labels From Life of Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Sepia On White.

General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. 1947 Poster Stamps Sheet

MOS # 1460.01.x. Sheet of 32 vintage fund raising vignettes as listed in Mosbaugh's U.S. All Funds Seals Catalog - Section X MISCELLANEOUS SEALS. The stamps depicting depicting scenes from the life of T.R. Jr. and the accompanying brochure were published by HERMAN JAFFE, PRINTER of New York for The General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Library Fund Committee. The sheet carries the designation of: National Stamp Society Certificate No. 162. Each stamp measures 45mm x 55mm. Overall sheet measures 16.25in x 9in. Closed brochure measures 3.85in x 9in.

There are two mysteries about this sheetlet - first, it has the number 162, but so does the sheetlet immediately above. Second, the inscription says "National Stamp Society" not "National Poster Stamp Society" - but that could have been simply an oversight by the printer. Roger Riga suggests the number on this might have been a typo, and it is actually Cert # 182 or even 192. I think he is right.

Mentioned on PSB page 12-4-1.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 15-4-1.

  (Undated) 163 (Not in F-P)

MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS 1943 Poster Stamp Sheet
Sheet of twenty-four vintage vignettes (contains two blocks of twelve designs, nine depicting natural resources, and three with WWII era patriotic themes). Published by the MICHIGAN UNITED CONSERVATION CLUBS, each sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 163. Approximate size of sheet: 7.9in x 9.5in.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-5-1.

  June 22 164 June 22; S/S: Flags of Overrun Countries. Multi-Colored on White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperf/Gummed. 93 X 126 mm

Not mentioned or pictured in the PSB

  (Undated) none DIETZ - S/S:
United states Honors the Occupied Nations In Europe
12 Flags on 2 Flagpoles, American Eagle & Torch. No marginal Inscriptions. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperf/Gummed. 67 X 105 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-2-1.

(courtesy of Roger Riga)

  (Undated) 166 Labels: Sheet of 50 (10 X 5) Identical. Flag on Staff, "Poland/First to Fight". Blue & Red on White. "Copyright 1943/Polish Information Center/N.Y.C., N.Y.". 303 X 226 Mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 08-6-5.

  (Undated) 168 (Not in F-P)

Labels: Sheet of 50 (10 X 5) Identical.
Helmeted soldier carrying rifle, silhouettes of Hussite warriors with Hussite and Czechoslovak flags in the background;
"CZECHOSLOVAKS CARRY ON." Blue & Red on White.
Size vignette = 25mm wide x 35mm high (1" x 1.4")
Size complete sheet approx. 294mm wide, 224mm high (11.6" x 8.8")

Text in top selvage at right: "APPROVED BY THE NATIONAL POSTER STAMP SOCIETY - CERTIFICATE NUMBER 168 - December 1943"

Text in top selvage center (Czech lion on either side): "The Battlecry of the Czechoslovak Republic: TRUTH PREVAILS - PRAVDA VÍTÉZÍ" (national motto of the Czech Republic)

Text in top selvage at left: "CZECHOSLOVAK INFORMATION SERVICE, 1789 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 19, N.Y."

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-3-5.

The image was designed by famed Czech artist Antonín Pelc (1895-1965), and first appeared in 1942 on a poster. MORE ABOUT THAT HERE

Thanks to Czech visitor Štefan Šuták for the images and information about this new find!

1944 (Undated) 169 Not in F-P

Labels: Sheet of 30 (6 X 5) 1943 World Champion New York Yankees. Issued by National Poster Stamp Society, Patterson, NJ. Copyrighted 1944. Photos of 30 different Yankee player stamps. perforated, 11" x 13-1/5"

1944 New York Yankees Album Stamps. These full color gummed backed stamps are from 1944. The 1.75" x 2.35" Yankee stamps commemorate the 1943 World Series Champions and were issued in sheets of 30 with an album that was made to hold the stamps. The stamps feature "full color reproduction of Kodachrome action photos", and the player's name in white on red. The bottom of the sheet reads "NEW YORK YANKEES 1943 WORLD CHAMPIONS" "Approved by the National Poster Stamp Society, Certificate No. 169, Copyright 1944 Major Leaguers, Patterson, NJ. ".

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-5-1.

01/25/2019 - I found these images of the order form in an eBay auction.



1944 May 10 170 DIETZ - S/S: 75th Anniversary of the Trans-continental Railroad. Locomotive & "Union Pacific" Shield. Blue & Red On White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. 115 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-5-4.

1944 ??? 170 France Fights for Liberty - single stamp issued in sheet of 50 (?)

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-6-5.

It looks like the PSS was getting careless with the numbers, this is the second instance of the same number used twice (see 162)

(Thanks to eBay seller david_graham50 for this find.)

1945 ? 170 Judaica 1945 FOR A FREE PALESTINE Stamps by Szyk (Bklt)

Booklet, illustrated by famed artist Arthur Szyk for the American League for a Free Palestine.

Nine pieces: (1) the folded cover with text providing a statement of the organization's purpose and goals; (2) four pages providing "a modern version of the famous parable from the Hagaddah" including Szyk images of the wicked, indifferent, uninformed, and wise sons; and (3) four booklet panes of ten wise son stamps in each of four colors. Mosbaugh #10.2.a.x;.b.x & .c.x & 10.3.a.x. No gum. Note: these panes have the "Approved by the National Poster Society, Certificate No. 170..." inscription in pane's left margin. Approximate size of each piece: 8.35 in x 3.5in.

Found on eBay - Here we go again! They used this number THREE TIMES! Whatever.

Not mentioned or illustrated in the PSB

  May 22 171 DIETZ - S/S: 125th Anniversary Of Steamship "Savannah". Old Paddle Wheeler Under Sail. Red & Blue, With Blue Marginal Printing, on White. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperf/Gummed. 107 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-5-6.

  May 24 172 DIETZ - S/S for 100th Anniversary Of the First Telegraph. Telephone Poles & Red & White Banner With Dark Blue Marginal Imprints. Designed By L.W. Staehle. Imperf/Gummed. 103 X 126 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-5-1.

  ? 172 Sheet of 50 labels, designed by Arthur Szyk in 1944.

The complete sheet measures about 11" x 8 1/2".

The sheet of poster stamps/labels was created by the "EMERGENCY COMMITTEE TO SAVE THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF EUROPE" New York, NY.

The top of each poster stamp reads: "HELP US SURVIVE !" while at the bottom of each poster stamp, it reads: "5704 Emergency Committee 1944. To Save the Jewish People of Europe. 25 West 45th Street, New York, N.Y."

Why do I bother? Yet another number used twice.

Not mentioned or pictured in the PSB

  (Undated) 173 (Not in F-P)

MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS 1944 Poster Stamp Sheet
Sheet of twenty-four vintage vignettes (contains two blocks of twelve designs, nine depicting natural resources, and four with WWII era patriotic themes). Published by the MICHIGAN UNITED CONSERVATION CLUBS, each sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 173. Approximate size ofsheet: 7.9in x 9.5in.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-6-3.

    ??? SKY HEROES - Sinclair Oil promotion - 20 stamps and album

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 09-6-1.

No mention of a cert, but its similarity to the "Fighting Americans" set suggests it is another PSB product, and has a cert.


1944 1944 174 (Not in F-P)

Printed by the Polish Government Information Center 745 Fifth Ave New York, NY.
Registered with the State Department #418.
Approved by the / National Poster Stamp Society / Certificate No. 174 / Copyright 1944

Printed in a sheet of 50 (5x10)

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 10-4-4.

  (Undated) 175 Poster Stamps: "Indiana" Scenes. 12 Different (4 X 3). Black With Green Frames. "Published By Miss. Thelma Alberring, Seymour, Indiana." Sheets Numbered In Green (i.e., 292). 203 X 258 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 10-4-3.

1945 (Undated) ? 176 ?

MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS 1945 Poster Stamp Sheet
Sheet of twenty-four vintage vignettes - contains two blocks of twelve designs. Published by the MICHIGAN UNITED CONSERVATION CLUBS,
??? each sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 176???
Approximate size ofsheet: 7.9in x 9.5in.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 10-6-1.

No image - I am assuming this has a PSS Cert, since the ones for 1941,42,43,44, and 46 all do.
  (Undated) 178 Poster Stamps: PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES 1789-1946 National Poster Stamp Society. Original oil paintings by Louis Bonhajo. Copyright 1946 by Roscoe Parkinson, Chicago Illinois. Published by New York Central Railroad. 32 Presidential Stamps. PSS Certificate Number 178.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 13-6-3.

Also a booklet to hold the stamps, with text about each President, and about the Railroad. Book is inscribed "THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES,Copyright 1946 by ROSCOE PARKINSON,CHICAGO--SECOND EDITON."

Thanks to eBay sellers luttrellsonline1, pittsburgh_clockshop, cdmn13 for images and information about this item.


  1947 179 Poster Stamps: "Utah" Scenes. 16 Different (4 X 4). Utah Centennial Poster Stamps published by American Stamp Co Salt Lake City, copyrighted 1946 for the year 1947. Approved by the National Poster Stamp Society, Certificate number 179. Sponsored by the State of Utah Department of Publicity & Industrial Development to tell the world all Utah's wonders.

(sold for $39 on eBay, 7/31/2010)

Not mentioned or pictured in the PSB

1948 1948 180? Poster Stamps: Sheets of 12 (4 X 3). "Saratoga Spa Music Festival". 12 Different Stamps About Saratoga Bldg's Or Musicians. Set of 4 Sheets. Green; Purple; Magenta; Deep Yellow Frames. Black On White. Produced By Herman Jaffe. Perfed Thru Margins/Gummed. 202 X 139 mm

"Approved by the National Poster Stamp Society"

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 15-1-1.

  (Undated) 182 (Not in F-P)

MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS 1946 Poster Stamp Sheet
Sheet of twenty-four vintage vignettes (contains two blocks of twelve designs, all depicting natural resources) Published by the MICHIGAN UNITED CONSERVATION CLUBS, each sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 182. Approximate size of sheet: 7.9in x 9.5in.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 11-5-1.

  (Undated) 183 (Not in F-P)

American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club 1947 Poster Stamps
Sheet of fifty vintage vignettes promoting rabbit raising. The sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 183. Approximate size of each stamp: 51mm x 34mm. Overall sheet size: 10.2in x 13in. Mint never hinged.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 14-1-2.

  (Undated) 184 (Not in F-P)

Sheet of sixteen vintage tourism promotion vignettes. Published by Paul L. Pearson, each sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 184. Approximate sheet size: 8.5in x 11in.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 14-1-4.

  (Undated) 188 (Not in F-P)

Florida Historical Research Institute Poster Stamps
Sheet of 24 vintage tourism promotion vignettes. The sheet carries the designation of: National Poster Stamp Society Certificate No. 188. Approximate size of each stamp: 59mm x 74mm. Overall sheet size: 14.3in x 15.6in. Approximate size of closed album: 8.5in x 11in.

Described with one stamp image on PSB page 14-3-1.

Thanks to Rogbon for this find.

  (Undated) 189 (Not in F-P)

Sheet of 100 different CHICAGO RAILROAD FAIR poster stamps.
(Actually it's 102 stamps, there are two generic stamps for the Railroad Fair itself, at top left and right on the sheet. One is pasted on the back cover of the booklet in the last image at right).

THE RAILROAD'S CONTRIBUTION TO AMERICAN PROGRESS - APPROVED BY THE NATIONAL POSTER STAMP SOCIETY CERTIFICATE NO. 189 - COPYRIGHT 1948 - VAN MILLARD PUBLISHERS, 28 EAST HURON DRIVE, CHICAGO, ILL. Has representations for the following rail road lines: Santa Fe Railway, Baltimore and Ohio, B&C, Boston and Main, Burlington Lines, Chicago and North Western, Rock Ilsand Railroad, Chicago Great Western, Erie, The New MONON - the Hoosier Line, Great Northern Railway, Illinois Central, Nickel Plate Road, New York Central, The Milwaukee, Northern Pacific, Pennsylvania, Wabash, Union Pacific, Freedom Train 1948, 1st Diesel Built 1924 , Alco's Last Steam, NYC Niagara, World's Largest - A 4-8-8- 4. Iron Hrse in New Harness, Mallet 0-6-6-0. 4-6-2 appeared in 1880, Commodore Vanderbuilt 1869, An Early 4-4-0.

The complete sheet measures 21" x 16"

I have owned the 8-1/2" x 11" booklet shown for many years - all 100 of the stamps are pasted into it, and there's not a word about the Poster Stamp Society. Only on the complete sheet can one find that connection!

Thanks to eBay seller scmbgetty for this new find.

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 14-6-1.

1947 (Undated) 195 (Not in F-P)

Hollywood Screen Stars Stamp Album
Hollywood Star Stamps

Album - 10.25" x 13" with 20 leaves (40 pages) front and back. ©1947. Harlich Manufacturing Co. Album covers in at least three color combinations.

Sheetlets of stamps depicting Hollywood stars. 45 sheetlets were produced, with each sheet containing 6, 9, or 12 stamps per sheet. Total stamps = 474. Sheetlets were sold invidually, in cellophane envelopes, for 10 cents apiece.

The purpose of this stamp set was to raise money for the Motion Picture Relief Fund. Harlich Manufacturing of Chicago is credited as the manufacturer of the album. The album states that this set was "Approved by National Poster Stamp Society. Certificate No. 195." It was envisioned that there would be future versions of this stamp collection, as these were titled "First Edition." It appears there was never a second edition.

(More details about this album and set of stamps can be found HERE.)

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 13-6-1.

1949   ??? SPORTSTAMP 1949 Baseball Album with 200 stamps

Mentioned on PSB page 15- 5-1, with picture.

The format is similar to the earlier Yankees stamps (#169), so I think this set had a cert #.


The PSB does not mention the format, but I found pages on the www that said these were issued in sheets of 10, sheets of 20, and sheets of 40. The image at right shows 5 sheets of 40, and I think that is the original format. It would be easy to break those down into the smaller multiples. As for distribution, note the final scan at right - these were also distributed through filling stations!

Because these are considered precursors of modern full-color baseball cards, they have become part of the very active baseball card market, and a complete set in top condition can fetch upwards of $2,000 today! Wouldn't you like to have bought a set for $1.00 in 1949?!


1952   204

MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS 1952 Poster Stamp Sheet

2/10/2018 - I was doing a search of the www, looking for anything new related to the NPSS, and found this entry in a government copyright bulletin for 1952:

Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor, Mich; MICHIGAN conservation stamps, 1952. MICHIGAN UNITED CONSERVATION CLUBS. Michigan's outdoors; photographed in natural color. Poster stamps showing 12 different subjects or scenes. Color stamps each ca. 1x2 in. on sheet 8 x 10 in. "Michigan conservation stamps, 1952, approved by National Poster Stamp Society, Chicago, Cert. no. 204.."
Hmmm. Do these exist? I've never seen them, and the fact that a copyright was issued does not mean the stamps were ever produced. The PSB ceased publication in 1951, so no help there. They DID produce similar sheets of stamps with NPSS Certs for 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, and 1946, so it's not out of the question, but the big gap from 1946 to 1952 is suspicious.

Stay tuned.

1953   205

MICHIGAN'S OUTDOORS 1953 Poster Stamp Sheet

2/10/2018 - The same search that led me to the entry above (#204) returned this as well in a government copyright bulletin for 1953:

MICHIGAN UNITED CONSERVATION CLUBS. Michigan's outdoors; photographed in natural color, poster stamps showing 12 different subjects or scenes, color reproductions of photos, on sheet 8 x 10 in. "Michigan conservation stamps, 1953 approved by National Poster Stamp Society, Chicago, cert. no. 205."
Again, the fact that a copyright was issued does not mean the stamps were ever produced, and I can find no reference to them elsewhere.

Stay tuned.

These all look like the Dietz labels, but do not mention him, nor do they carry an NPSS Cert. No.
1941 May 8-11 none 4th annual exhibit; s/s's: round medal at top (figure on globe). Jonas Bronck signing treaty at bottom. Facsimiles of 1, 2, 3 cent U.S. "Defense" stamps in corners. Set of 3. Blue & silver; blue & gold; blue & bronze on white. Perfed thru margins/gummed. 90 x 126 mm

Mentioned on PSB page 06- 4-2, with picture.

1942 April 25 none 10th anniversary & testimonial dinner to Franklin R. Bruns Jr., editor of "stamp page" of N.Y. Sun; s/s's: red overprint on set of 1941 sheets. (Silver, bronze) (n)

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 07-3-2.

1944 April 17 none 12th anniversary celebration; s/s's: red overprint on set of 1941 sheets. ( Gold) (n)
1945 April 16 none 13th anniversary party; s/s: yellow seal at top & yellow & blue vignette of Jonas Bronck at bottom. Blue on white. Imperf/gummed. 88 x 125 mm

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 10-3-1.

OTHER LABELS mentioned on last page of Kentucky booklet shown at top of page

These could be PSS labels, since we know from the PSB that the numbering started with #47, so numbers must have been assigned retroactively to 46 issues.

1934 September, 1934 No number  
Carolina Crusader Stamps

Mentioned and pictured on PSB page 02-2-3.

1936 (Undated) No number  
Poster stamps issued in conjunction with the Texas state centennial in 1936.
??? (Undated) No number  
Poster stamps (two sheetlets of six) issued by Glens Falls Insurance Company, and a similar sheetlet issued by Commerce Insurance Company.

11/4/2011 - described on PSB page 02-3-5

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All text Copyright © 2007, William M. Senkus

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Created -- 02/22/2007
Revised -- 02/14/2023