Everything You Could Possibly Want To Know
About Tea

Below are scans of all the pages of a very entertaining advertising booklet, for Tetley Tea, circa 1905 (there is no production date I could find, but the back cover and text mention the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904). The words and illustrations provide a quaint glimpse of life a century ago.
(Click on any image to view a high-res version in a separate window - close that window to continue from here)

And while we're on the topic of Tea, here is a set of nicely done German poster stamps advertising Lipton's tea - I bought them in an auction of the Poster Stamp Society , and have no idea whether this is a complete set, nor exactly when they were produced, but I would guess they are from about the same time period as the pamphlet above, i.e., the end of the 19th century.

Click here to access my web page about the 1936-1951 Poster Stamp Bulletin of the National Poster Stamp Society.


All text Copyright © 2001, William M. Senkus

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Revised -- 06/09/2002