RUND UM DIE WELT - Around the world on poster stamps
Set of 50 German poster stamps depicting a round-the-world tour circa 1900

(Click on any image for hi-res version)

My favorite poster stamps are ones that make up a set, with the same format and topic. Some represent advertising for a yearly event such as a trade show, others advertise a single event or product, the designs reproduced in many colors or multiple languages, while others were issued simply as collectibles.

This set, "RUND UM DIE WELT," was issued in Germany in the early years of the 20th century - I am guessing around 1900, based on the clothing and machinery shown. I see no motor vehicles in any of the images, for instance.

The set depicts 50 scenes from a Round-the-world voyage taken by a couple (or perhaps two couples - the number of travellers varies, hard to say which are the central figures). This was a popular pasttime for the idle rich of the late Victorian era (though these people are German, so I suppose it was their Wilhelminian Era.)

The set occurs in at least five varieties:
- Image 1 represents a generic version, with image number and description only, the image number in black, the description in blue.
- Image 2 represents a version distributed by "Scheur's Doppel-Ritter Caffee," presumably either as single stamps included with each package of the coffee, or as a premium available from dealers or by mail. The image number is in black, all other text in blue.
- Image 7 represents a second type of generic version, all text in black.
- Image 19 represents a second product-related version, this time for "Aecht Brandt Caffee," with text at top and bottom in black, text at sides in blue.
- Image 32 represents a third generic version, with image number only, in black - there is no description.

The Doppel-Ritter version is the most common, from what I have seen.

Printing format - I am always interested in how stamps like these were printed and distributed. As I say above, I assume these were premiums either included with the product, or available on request - or perhaps by submitting proofs of purchase. I have never seen a multiple, but since 50 stamps make a common sized printing format - 10 tall by 5 wide - I imagine these were printed with all 50 designs on one sheet, so that is the way I have displayed them below. Enjoy the voyage!

To view an individual stamp, click on an image below.
To view a slide show of all in sequence (with English captions), CLICK HERE.

(If you can provide an image of a multiple, or better examples of any shown, please send to the author of this page, at the e-dress shown at the bottom)


The images also occur on a set of trading cards - probably from tobacco packages. I do not have a complete set of images, but all I have seen are shown below. If you can add to these, or provide images of the other sides (which I presume contain descriptive text), please send them to the author of this page - email address at bottom.





Click here to access my web page about the 1936-1951 Poster Stamp Bulletin of the National Poster Stamp Society.

Send feedback to the author: CLICK HERE

Created -- 04/09/2011
Revised -- 04/09/2011