About these pages
- abc sets
- fashion houses
- pre1900
- amar, leon
- bernhard, lucian (emil kahn) 1883-1972
- klinger, julius 1876-1950
- Cooper, F.G. 1883-1962
- knab, albert 1870-1929
- lehmann, martin and walter (twins) 1884-1921
- luebbert, ernst 1879-1915
- neu, paul 1881-1940
- obermeier, otto 1883-1958
- reitz, sigisbert chrétien 1860-1938
- rossillon, m (o'galop) 1877-1946
- rumpf, fritz 1888-1949
- scheurich, paul 1883-1945
- beyers tinten
- bleichert, braun, continental, chippendale
- bärenmarke, bäcker, baladon, bansa
- cosman, cremon, dacapo, edeka
- edison, ellerhusen, emserol, erdal
- gehrin, geka, glaser, globenstein, globus
- hansa, helene, hoco, kismet, knöllnerr
- kompass, kurzil, lablanche, lazarol, leo's hansi
- levy, locomotive, lotze, maedler
- martin, mendel, michel, moguntia, opel
- overberg, paedagog, pauly, penkala, ragoda, reschke, rhenus
- ries, rosiny, schlüterbrot, sidol
- siegeslauf, sinner, süsin, schneider, stark
- strebel, temperol, thalysia, theodor althoff, rödelheim
- tiptop, uhly, unionbrot, unverwüstlich, voelcker
- wagner, wagner, waschbärseifen, wentz
- wolf & schleim, wolschendorff, wolter, zorn & kuhn
Who is Blogger Frank?
ABC sets
BÄRENMARKE, kitchen supply from hünersdorff
BÄCKER, wülfrath, unfortunately the B and the C are missing
BALADON, cigarettes, 30 year jubilee
BANSA, wine and champagne, frankfurt - this set is known also in blue

beyer's inks are the best
full sheet with 2 Y's attached - dummies. the Y was only given to you, if you bought an ink bottle - and you had to, otherwise the battle scene was NOT complete!
another full sheet, topic aviation showing the military use of zeppelins and planes, with 14 stamps spelling 'sind die besten' which means 'are the best'
no.3 is a common set, spelling BEYER'S TINTEN SIND DIE BESTEN, showing famous painters, military leaders, composer and famous authors it appears in three variations:
a) with text eduard beyer CHEMNITZ
b) with text eduard beyer TEPLITZ i.B. and
c) without numbers
looking closer at the numbers one will see that no. 5a and no.10a were actually not planned in the first edition, the set was first issued as BEYER TINTE (sing.)

BLEICHERT & CO, transportation of goods, 2 different issues,
compare the letters:
B -> house red/brown
I -> bricks red/yellow
R and U -> text variation
C -> completely different image
O -> other man on pylon + text variation
BRAUN, dyes from quedlinburg
CONTINENTAL, rubber heels
CHIPPENDALE, designed by the artist louis gruber

C.COSMAN, suspenders from wuppertal elberfeld
CREMON, shoe and leather care, from h. günther & co in leipzig
two sets in one sheet!
DACAPO, cigarettes
EDEKA, shopping club merchants(?), this set exists with various imprints,
as shown in the incomplete sets.
not shown, but seen already, are the ones mentioned below the pictures.

not shown, but seen are these imprints in alphabetical order:
barth, franz / leipzig-neustadt
dietzsch, hermann / leipzig-sellerhausen
donath, gustav / leipzig
feist, e.h. / leipzig-schleussig
krenkel, emil / leipzig
matthias, leonhard, leipzig (erl)
noa, ernst / leipzig-kleinzschacher
peter, f.a. / leipzig-neustadt
petzsche, arthur / leipzig
stiehl, bernhard / leipzig-lindenau
strobel, otto / leipzig-schleussig
welcke, ernst / leipzig
EDISON, the new york edison company abc set
EMSEROL KATTARH BONBONS, cough drops, M, S, L N and N missing
ERDAL, shoe polish

GEHRIN, cloth and silk
GEKA, flashlight powder, developer etc., photography, there are two
different issues, one with a white and one with a grey frame
GLASER, leipzig, play toy and school material
GLOBENSTEIN, bird cages, the G and the N are missing
GLOBUS, from aussig, shoe and metal polish
GLOBUS, from leipzig, shoe and metal polish, the extra O and S show that
there must have been another issue of this set

HANSA, ships, eraser
HANSA, artists, eraser
HELENE, coal
HOCO, gloves, from same company: AGO, stockings,
(heidenheim, oppenheim & co. in chemnitz)
at least the hoco set exists also in french
KISMET, office books
C.E.KNÖLLNER, neuruppin, colonial goods, coffee, wine

KOMPASS, artist supplies, berlin
KURZIL, washing powder
LABLANCHE, skin care, berlin
LAZAROL, skin care

LEVY, hat shop, frankfurt
LOCOMOTIVE, stockings, 2 different sets, the L of the first set exists in 2 versions
LOTZE BACKPULVER, baking powder, erfurt, C and L missing

MARTIN, department store in mainz, first three missing
MENDEL, department store in mainz
MOGUNTIA RABATTMARKEN, savings stamps from mainz
OPEL, cars

... and just to show the color variations:

... and again: different colors!

OVERBERG, three colors, pen, pencil, eraser
PAEDAGOG, school equipment, leipzig, designed by bauer
PAULY, (j.f.pauly), rusk, bad homburg, two stamps missing, P and the U
PENKALA, ink pen, only no.1 and 5, artist is achtelstetter, printed by siegmund spear, nuremberg (i will show the complete set soon... i don't find it at the moment, but i know i have it somewhere...!)
RAGODA, washing powder from wittenberge, printed by grünbaum in kassel
RESCHKE, airplane propellors from berlin, printed by o.schloss in berlin,
the S is only a photocopy
RHENUS WORMS, coffee, again unfortunately the last stamp is only a photocopy

RIES, tea, coffee, wine, apple juice from munich and nuremberg
ROSINY, oats from witten
SCHLÜTERBROT, bread, chemnitz, printed by sigmund spear in nuremberg
SCHLÜTERBROT, bread, printed by selmar bayer in berlin
SIDOL, metal polish, cologne - the first five stamps shown here are the abc stamps.
the first four stamps were also printed with slight modifications of design and without letters.

SIEGESLAUF, rubber heels, followed by two other poster stamp ads
SINNER, baking powder
SÜSIN, blue and green, tonic, reichenbach - this set exists in red too
SCHNEIDER, eggs and butter, mainz - there is another set with the same design
with the name SCHUSTER from neckarau
STARK, cloth, nuremberg

STREBEL, ink, (followed by three die cuts)
TEMPEROL, varnish, unfortunately i have only the R
THALYSIA, drug store, followed by 3 imperf stamps same set
THEODOR ALTHOFF, department store, dortmund
RÖDELHEIM, ink, frankfurt

here a few imperf stamps from the same set:

TIPTOP, shoes, designed by the artist schneiberg
UHLY & WOLFRAM, butter, set of 12, unfortunately i have only the R
UNIONBROT, bread from chemnitz, printed by art institute sigmund spear,
the O is missing
UNVERWÜSTLICH, rubber polish, again one is missing: 'LICH'
VOELCKER, coffee - this set is known with the same design as TRAMPLER too

WAGNER, cognac, printed by a.faller in waldkirch
WAGNER, margerine, elmshorn
WASCHBÄRSEIFEN, soap, designed by the artist johann peter werth, last 2 missing
WENTZ&CO, advertising stamps new york/berlin - the here shown set exists in english and in german, perforated and imperforated. so none of the sets i can show is complete, missing letters are:
english imperf: Z, CO
english perf: W
german perf: W,E,N,Z,CO
german imperf: all

here are the two missing ones:

WOLF&SCHLEIM, fashion from prague, printed by kohn, kuh&co. in prague
WOLSCHENDORFF&MEISSNER, artificial flowers, print by block&schmidt frankfurt
WOLTER coffee, printed by art institute sigmund spear in nuremberg
ZORN&KUHN, coffee from zweibruecken, printed by elikann & baer in karlsruhe
