Classic German Poster stamps

Archived pages of  Blogger Frank of Cologne, Germany

About these pages


- abc sets
- fashion houses
- pre1900


- amar, leon
- bernhard, lucian (emil kahn) 1883-1972
- klinger, julius 1876-1950
- Cooper, F.G. 1883-1962
- knab, albert 1870-1929
- lehmann, martin and walter (twins) 1884-1921
- luebbert, ernst 1879-1915
- neu, paul 1881-1940
- obermeier, otto 1883-1958
- reitz, sigisbert chrétien 1860-1938
- rossillon, m (o'galop) 1877-1946
- rumpf, fritz 1888-1949
- scheurich, paul 1883-1945


- beyers tinten
- bleichert, braun, continental, chippendale
- bärenmarke, bäcker, baladon, bansa
- cosman, cremon, dacapo, edeka
- edison, ellerhusen, emserol, erdal
- gehrin, geka, glaser, globenstein, globus
- hansa, helene, hoco, kismet, knöllnerr
- kompass, kurzil, lablanche, lazarol, leo's hansi
- levy, locomotive, lotze, maedler
- martin, mendel, michel, moguntia, opel
- overberg, paedagog, pauly, penkala, ragoda, reschke, rhenus
- ries, rosiny, schlüterbrot, sidol
- siegeslauf, sinner, süsin, schneider, stark
- strebel, temperol, thalysia, theodor althoff, rödelheim
- tiptop, uhly, unionbrot, unverwüstlich, voelcker
- wagner, wagner, waschbärseifen, wentz
- wolf & schleim, wolschendorff, wolter, zorn & kuhn

Who is Blogger Frank?

Fashion Houses

Set of eight poster stamps, promoting several fashion houses - it's always the same design but shows different imprints. scrolling down you will see, that the sets are the more and more incomplete the further you go down.

here are the imprints in alphabetical order:

altmann, s., house of fashion, munich (7)
ascher, jindrich, in prague (1)
biermann, children's fashion, gera (6)
boll, adolf, in munich (7)
bursch, heinrich, in zittau (8)
ebert, confectionshaus, in leipzig (8)
fischer-riegel, l., mannheim (7)
kaufmann, emma, in nueremberg (8)
klasing & baumann, in solingen (2)
kempf, ch., in aalen (8)
meyer, friedrich, kindergarderobe, no town (7)
mueller, arnold, in berlin (8)
nagelstock, s., dresden/leipzig (6)
oberpaul, children's fashion, in kempten (4)
schaarschmidt, richard, in stuttgart (1)
ten hompel, wesel/berlin (1)
thorlichen children's fashion, in hamburg-eimsbuettel (8)
wahl, s.&r., in barmen (1)
weddy-poenicke, in halle (4)
zeck, eduard, in dessau (6)

and here are the pictures: