About these pages
- abc sets
- fashion houses
- pre1900
- amar, leon
- bernhard, lucian (emil kahn) 1883-1972
- klinger, julius 1876-1950
- Cooper, F.G. 1883-1962
- knab, albert 1870-1929
- lehmann, martin and walter (twins) 1884-1921
- luebbert, ernst 1879-1915
- neu, paul 1881-1940
- obermeier, otto 1883-1958
- reitz, sigisbert chrétien 1860-1938
- rossillon, m (o'galop) 1877-1946
- rumpf, fritz 1888-1949
- scheurich, paul 1883-1945
- beyers tinten
- bleichert, braun, continental, chippendale
- bärenmarke, bäcker, baladon, bansa
- cosman, cremon, dacapo, edeka
- edison, ellerhusen, emserol, erdal
- gehrin, geka, glaser, globenstein, globus
- hansa, helene, hoco, kismet, knöllnerr
- kompass, kurzil, lablanche, lazarol, leo's hansi
- levy, locomotive, lotze, maedler
- martin, mendel, michel, moguntia, opel
- overberg, paedagog, pauly, penkala, ragoda, reschke, rhenus
- ries, rosiny, schlüterbrot, sidol
- siegeslauf, sinner, süsin, schneider, stark
- strebel, temperol, thalysia, theodor althoff, rödelheim
- tiptop, uhly, unionbrot, unverwüstlich, voelcker
- wagner, wagner, waschbärseifen, wentz
- wolf & schleim, wolschendorff, wolter, zorn & kuhn
Who is Blogger Frank?
overberg, paedagog, pauly, penkala, ragoda, reschke, rhenus
OVERBERG (three colors) - writing supplies - pens, pencils, erasers
PAEDAGOG, school equipment, leipzig, designed by bauer
PAULY, (j.f.pauly), rusk (biscuits), bad homburg, two stamps missing, P and the U
PENKALA, ink pen, only no.1 and 5, artist is achtelstetter
printed by siegmund spear, nuremberg
RAGODA, washing powder from wittenberge, printed by grünbaum in kassel
RESCHKE, airplane propellors from berlin, printed by o.schloss in berlin,
the S is only a photocopy
RHENUS WORMS, coffee, again unfortunately the last stamp is only a photocopy
