About these pages
- abc sets
- fashion houses
- pre1900
- amar, leon
- bernhard, lucian (emil kahn) 1883-1972
- klinger, julius 1876-1950
- Cooper, F.G. 1883-1962
- knab, albert 1870-1929
- lehmann, martin and walter (twins) 1884-1921
- luebbert, ernst 1879-1915
- neu, paul 1881-1940
- obermeier, otto 1883-1958
- reitz, sigisbert chrétien 1860-1938
- rossillon, m (o'galop) 1877-1946
- rumpf, fritz 1888-1949
- scheurich, paul 1883-1945
- beyers tinten
- bleichert, braun, continental, chippendale
- bärenmarke, bäcker, baladon, bansa
- cosman, cremon, dacapo, edeka
- edison, ellerhusen, emserol, erdal
- gehrin, geka, glaser, globenstein, globus
- hansa, helene, hoco, kismet, knöllnerr
- kompass, kurzil, lablanche, lazarol, leo's hansi
- levy, locomotive, lotze, maedler
- martin, mendel, michel, moguntia, opel
- overberg, paedagog, pauly, penkala, ragoda, reschke, rhenus
- ries, rosiny, schlüterbrot, sidol
- siegeslauf, sinner, süsin, schneider, stark
- strebel, temperol, thalysia, theodor althoff, rödelheim
- tiptop, uhly, unionbrot, unverwüstlich, voelcker
- wagner, wagner, waschbärseifen, wentz
- wolf & schleim, wolschendorff, wolter, zorn & kuhn
Who is Blogger Frank?
beyer's tinten
beyer's inks are the best
full sheet with 2 attached Y - dummies. the Y was only given to you, if you bought an ink bottle - and you had to, otherwise the battle scene was NOT complete!

another full sheet, topic aviation showing the military use of zeppelins and planes, with 14 stamps spelling 'sind die besten' which means as much as 'are the best'

no.3 is a common set, spelling BEYER'S TINTEN SIND DIE BESTEN, showing famous painters, military leaders, composer and famous authors it appears in three variations:
a) with text eduard beyer CHEMNITZ
b) with text eduard beyer TEPLITZ i.b. and
c) without numbers
looking closer at the numbers one will see that no. 5a and no.10a were actually not planned in the first edition, the set was first issued as BEYER TINTE (sing.)
