1882 - I |
Most of the information about Sokol in these pages was taken from four sources: 1. The web site of the Czech Sokol Organization -, which as of August 5, 2018 no longer reponds. Perhaps that is temporary. 2. "The Sokols in Philately - Postal, Commemorative Postmarks and Postcards," by Brian C. Day, a monograph published by the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain, 14 Middlecroft, Guilden Sutton, Chester, England CH3 7HF, 1996. 3. Brian Day via email. He saw an early version of these pages and offered to help make make them more comprehensive and informational, and sent me a huge amount of invaluable material, and reponded freely to my endless stream of questions. 4. Štefan Šuták via email. He saw these pages in late July of 2018 and sent some tentative comments, corrections, and additions, and when I responded enthusiastically, sent much more. He has responded generously to my many questions, doing excellent research in original sources in the Czech Republic, and translating scores of labels and cards for me.
The most comprehensive history of Sokol in English on the web is the one at Wikipedia:
1929 1930 1931 1932 - IX 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 - X 1939 1943 - London 1946 1947 1948 - XI 1948 - Rudé Právo labels 1951 1989 1990 1994 - XII 1996 UNDATED |
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Created -- 10/25/2005
Revised -- 08/10/2018