1882 - I |
Undated cards and labels (Click on any image to view an enlarged version)
These are apparently generic cards and labels, produced not for a specific Slet
or fund-raising project, but for general use. Many have no text,
or at least no specific mention of Sokol,
but we know they are Sokol by the uniforms and symbols such as
falcons and the Sokol flag.
POSTCARDSUndated card with photograph from 1880 of Sokol II house and gym in Ceske Budejovice. Rare 5h. charity label sold for the benefit of the group. This was a Fund-raising stamp for Sokol club-house/gymnasium that was built over the period from 1928-1939, so this card must date from that period. Can anyone date it more exactly?November 2, 2020 - Sokol historian Pavel Michalec sent the following information about the postcard above:
Thanks, Pavel. =============================== M. Tyrš, founder of the Sokol movement
-------- Jindřich Fügner, co-founder of the Sokol movement -------- Below, "undivided back" cards - these are cards produced prior to 1906 or 1907, when Austria authorized the modern form of card, with space for message on the address side. Postcards did not really become a fad until after that change, so these are scarce.
The card on the left above announces a Sokol performance in L'viv, Ukraine, which was part of Austria-Hungary at the time (ca. 1900?). My ancestors are from that area, so this card has special interest for me. 6/17/2020 - our co-conspirator Stefan wrote to inform me that the card on the left above is actually a Sokol lottery ticket! The gray area on the third line of text is for a ticket number. The text on the back tells us it was printed by V. Neubert, Praha-Smichov, Chechy. The text is Russian Cyrillic. That suggests to me that it was issued after the Russian occupation of the area in 1948.
"Divided back" cards
The card above shows the "New Sokol House at Vinohrady"
(since 1922 a district of Prague). ------------------
Note the Statue of Liberty in background at lower right of the card below.
The artist is
Mikuláš Antonín Číla; (1883-1983), who was a famous army general as well as a
talented painter! ------
Karel Šimůnek
The ones below are not signed, but resemble ones above, so I consider them likely to be Šimůnek's.
That last one, with Serbian text, has what I assume is a signature, in Serbian, and it does not say Simunek. So perhaps he had imitators, because that sure looks like several of his other designs, especially the ones he did for slets in 1907, 1908, and 1920.
Another prolific painter of images for Sokol postcards was Věnceslav Černý. Below are eleven of his designs, all of the cards by him that I have seen, and more than by any other artist except Karel Šimůnek (see above), yet NONE of them was created for a specific event! Three of them are shown on other pages of this exhibit, but only because they had something added to connect them to that date. Two of the designs occur twice below, once with different text on the face, the other with a different back.
Another Czech artist who did many cards - again, none specific to an event - was Josef Kočí. Below are seven of his designs, one used twice. Two of these are shown on the 1920 page, since they have added text to connect them to that date.
It might be possible to date the middle card above from the flags and the crowd - Care to try?
Cyrillic text of the card on the right:
Is it a Sokol card? There's no mention of Sokol, but the outfits look like Sokol.
Could be DTJ, or Orel, though.
Dushan Silni = Stefan Dušan = Dušan the Mighty(King of Serbia, 1331-1346, and a great conqueror)
Banja Luka = second largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Zdravé pohraniči - A theme that appears on other labels in this pages - and apparently a significant issue for Sokol between the two Word Wars, when newly independent Czechoslovakia was beset from all sides. |
DSO SOKOL Created in 1953, and lasting until 1957 (when all athletic groups were combined under a single, highly regimented control), DSO Sokol was a primarily rural continuation of voluntary Sokol groups under the Communist regime that had taken over in 1948.
So these must date from 1953-1957, and look like the sort of generic
labels one might stick on a postcard or letter. |
Národové Čím Menší Jsou,
Tím Větší Činnost Vyvinouti Musí...
"The smaller nations are, the harder they must try" - Tyrš
A generic label with an inspirational message from the founder. |
VLAST OSVOBOZENA "A Liberated Homeland!" I assume this is celebrating Czech independence after WWI, so dates from 1918 or so. |
ДОМ - ЛЕСКОВАЧ Fund-raiser for Sokol gym (Sokolovna) in Leskovac |
СОКОЛСКО ДРУШТВО РАДОВИШТЕ - ЗА СОКОЛАНУ - 2 ДИНАРА Fund-raising stamp for Sokol in Radoviš (Radovište) |
СОКОЛСКО ДРУШТВО ВЕЛ. БЕЧКЕРЕК Sokol in Zrenjanin (Velký Bečkerek) |
ZA SOKOLSKI DOM BRASLOV&cCZRON;E Fund-raising stamp for Sokolovna in Braslovče |
Скопје Skopje Sokol organization "Kraljevic Marco"
Fund-raising stamp for Skopje Sokol 12/31/18 - according to this page, this was issued in 1928, for the VI Regional Provincial Assembly of the Yugoslav Sokol Association, in Skopje.
СОКОЛСКИ ДОМ у ДЕБРУ ПЛАНЕТА БЕОГРАД Donation stamps for Sokolovna in Debr Serbian, printed in Beograd |
Generic poster stamp -
Image of M. Fügner in center, surrounded by
Sokol slogans: |
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Created -- 10/25/2005
Revised -- 06/17/2020