Below are listed all the primary pages of this web site, sorted into
categories, with notes
about what was changed when.
Click on the underlined text to view that
page in a new window, i.e., this one will remain open to permit further
If you just want to see what has changed recently, sorted with the most recent changes first, GO HERE.
Page |
Date Created |
Date Updated |
Nature of Update |
ALPHABETILATELY - The Alphabet | ||||
Introduction - How this philatelic alphabet came about, and has developed since its birth in 1997. |
4/28/2000 |
8/22/2001 |
Updated format - no significant change to content |
Table of Contents - Home page for the Alphabetilately pages |
5/1/2000 |
12/22/2018 |
Added images of the two sheets of the original alphabet stamps. |
5/1/2000 |
06/07/2003 |
Revised Porte Timbre section, added Foreign Advertising Collars |
1/25/2003 |
06/07/2008 |
Revised Porte Timbre section, added Foreign Advertising Collars |
06/07/2008 |
06/07/2008 |
Creation |
... Porte Timbres - Labels used mainly in Europe for patriotic and other advertising |
10/27/2005 |
07/11/2013 |
Added German and Esperanto examples |
... Advertising Covers of the International Stock Food Company - some fascinating multicolor turn-of-the-century advertising covers |
4/12/2001 |
1/24/2003 |
Added a few covers and text |
... Advertising Covers of the Longman & Martinez Paint Co. - some fascinating multicolor turn-of-the-century advertising covers |
4/12/2001 |
4/22/2017 |
Added latest news about the L&M factory in Brooklyn. |
... Coffee Letter - An interesting letter advertising coffee in 1894, and the advertising cover in which I bought it. |
8/6/2001 |
8/6/2001 |
Creation |
... Seabury and Johnson Advertising Covers - more fabulous multicolor turn-of-the-century advertising covers |
4/19/2001 |
2/25/2002 |
Added email exchange |
4/19/2001 |
2/25/2002 |
Updated history based on email exchange |
A is for AMG Stamps - A brief introduction to the fascinating field of post-WWII Allied Military Government stamps |
11/23/2001 |
07/23/2007 |
Added section on German postal cards |
A is for Airgraph |
05/14/2007 |
05/18/2007 |
5/1/2000 |
8/27/2005 |
Added exchange about 1932 bisect |
5/1/2000 |
12/22/2014 |
Added Esbjorn Jansen's excellent chart | ||
... Poster Stamps - Some favorite Poster Stamps |
6/18/2000 |
11/13/2017 |
Added several varieties to POWER AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING section |
... An Electric Alphabet - The text from a 1913 set of New York Edison alphabet stamps promoting electricity. |
1/8/2002 |
2/20/2003 |
Added real text for D stamp, completing the set! (online, at least) |
... An Electric Alphabet - Images of all the stamps I own from a 1913 set of New York Edison alphabet stamps promoting electricity. |
2/23/2008 |
12/14/2009 |
Added some new acquisitions |
... Chemical Industries Expo - Poster stamps issued since 1915 to advertise what is now called Chem Show. |
5/24/2004 |
12/22/2018 |
Reformatted the page, revised the text, added statistics, and added a couple of images. |
... Swedish Industries Fair - Poster stamps issued from 1918 through 1968 for a Swedish trade fair. |
6/18/2000 |
2/16/2011 |
Added missing images for 1925 and 1926, and new stamp for 1951 |
... Tetley tea - A charming turn-of-the- century booklet advertising Tetley Tea, and some Lipton Tea poster stamps |
8/6/2001 |
6/9/2002 |
Added the Lipton Tea poster stamps |
... Pan-American Expo Poster Stamps and Ephemera - Poster Stamps and other ephemera created for the Pan-American Expo of 1901 |
1/16/2002 |
1/16/2002 |
Creation |
... Henry Grimsland - Chicago Philatelic Exhibition Seals of the 1930's-1950s - thirty-some beautiful engraved miniature marvels. |
1/20/2002 |
07/23/2014 |
Added CPS 1943 and 1949! Plus 1936 Jubilee program. |
... WIPA 1933 - Cinderellas issued at the 1933 Vienna Philatelic Exhibition |
6/15/2002 |
2/08/2010 |
Added image of November, 1931 cover, and links to 3rd prospectus excerpts. |
6/29/2008 |
6/29/2008 |
Questions about a 1932 cover sent from Germany to the USA |
... Poster Stamps of the 1933 Century of Progress Expo - Cinderellas issued at the 1933 Century of Progess Expo in Chicago |
7/25/2002 |
7/25/2002 |
Creation |
Mysterious Bicycle Stamp - |
07/27/2005 |
06/20/2019 |
NEW FIND - added "9" stamp, created new composite image at top of page. |
Cinderellas: Mrs. Stewart's Bluing
01/27/2007 |
12/22/2018 |
added a couple of images, revised text |
Cinderellas - National Poster Stamp Society Labels
02/22/2007 |
08/11/2019 |
Added new image for #81 |
Cinderellas - Poster Stamp Bulletin
11/10/2011 |
02/08/2018 |
Added 5 more - two to go! Added CHATTERBOX and pricelists! |
Cinderellas - Chicago International Live Stock Expo
02/26/2007 |
02/18/2022 |
Added images for Dairy Show |
Poster Stamps and Postcards of the Bugra - Leipzig, 1914
07/11/2010 |
12/27/2017 |
Added Umbrella Parody postcard, and revised Hexagon listing. |
Poster Stamps and Labels of the Olympic Games
07/27/2013 |
02/12/2023 |
Multiple updates and additions
- all detailed on the UPDATE HISTORY
page for that section |
04/09/2011 |
04/09/2011 |
Spanish Charity stamp - Is there a train?
03/17/2003 |
03/17/2003 |
Blogger Frank -
Classic German Poster Stamps |
06/17/2014 |
06/17/2014 |
Publication |
... F G Cooper - Classic American Poster Stamps of Fred G Cooper |
07/05/2014 |
07/24/2014 |
Added xmas stamp to Intro page - Thanks Zavier! |
5/1/2000 |
7/1/2001 |
Added 50th anniversary special printing |
5/1/2000 |
5/1/2000 |
Creation |
05/25/2014 |
08/24/2015 |
Added to the International Congresses page - Thanks Don Santos! |
5/1/2000 |
5/16/2002 |
Added link to AFDCS chapter 73 article on HD/HP-FDCs |
... Knapp FDC's - FDC's of Dorothy Knapp, my favorite FDC maker of the 30's and 40's |
6/18/2000 |
03/02/2006 |
Added more trains, and some varieties | |
... The First Flying Machine from Washington! - my favorite airmail cover, with the first US air mail stamp, and a newsy letter from the end of WWI. |
1/09/2002 |
1/09/2002 |
Creation |
5/1/2000 |
3/12/2002 |
Added e-mail note about French non-denominated issues |
... G2 All the US non-denominated stamps |
8/5/2001 |
07/04/2020 |
Revised Semi-postals data - added B6 |
5/1/2000 |
3/24/2007 |
Rewrote opening section, added "Rural Carrier's Cancel" and "legal cancel", added Pollock story to Byrd covers section |
5/1/2000 |
08/11/2019 |
Major revision - fixed errors, added information about developments since 2007 (!) |
5/1/2000 |
7/1/2001 |
Moved FDC's to separate page, added original design for artist stamp, at bottom of page. |
... J2 Joint issue First Day Covers |
7/1/2001 |
7/1/2001 |
Creation |
5/1/2000 |
1/10/2002 |
Updated text - added vending machine booklets |
5/1/2000 |
11/09/20172 |
Kers City Post is a fake |
5/1/2000 |
04/14/2008 |
Added images of contents of APS 1912 envelope, bottom of page 2 |
5/1/2000 |
1/11/2002 |
Added more Computer Vended Postage |
5/1/2000 |
2/28/2003 |
Added note about wheelbarrow story |
O is for Over-frank - an early letter choice that was replaced when we got serious (too bad) |
12/07/2001 |
12/07/2001 |
Creation |
5/1/2000 |
5/1/2000 |
Creation |
P is for PNCs - A brief introduction to Plate Number Coil collecting |
11/28/2001 |
11/28/2001 |
Creation |
... Table of PNCs - All the PNCs through 1/96 |
11/28/2001 |
11/28/2001 |
Creation |
P is for PPIE - Poster stamps of the PPIE - Panama Pacific International Exposition of 1915 |
06/30/2015 |
07/10/2015 |
Added material from Steven Greiczek |
5/1/2000 |
1/11/2002 |
Added References |
5/1/2000 |
1/13/2002 |
Major revision and expansion of Forerunners section |
5/1/2000 |
12/07/2004 |
Split First Setenant Worldwide to a separate page |
12/07/2004 |
07/19/2011 |
Added Providence Provisionals |
... US setenants list - A list of all the setenants issued by the USPS through 1999 |
5/1/2000 |
5/1/2000 |
Creation |
... US setenants stats - Some statistics about US setenants by year from 1964-1999 |
5/1/2000 |
5/1/2000 |
Creation |
... Space setenants - A set of FDC's for the 1981 Space Achievements Issue |
5/3/2000 |
5/3/2000 |
Creation |
07/12/2019 |
06/19/2020 |
Added Scott 2277 - 4/3/1988 - 25˘ "E" rate change stamp |
02/20/2007 |
02/20/2007 |
Creation - a page about Antique Stamp Boxes and Stamp Cases |
5/1/2000 |
5/1/2000 |
Creation |
5/1/2000 |
5/1/2000 |
Creation |
5/1/2000 |
5/4/2007 |
Major revision of text to explain process in more detail |
... V2 Everything You Could Want to Know About V-Mail |
8/10/2001 |
6/1/2001 |
Photos from award-winning V-mail exhibit |
5/1/2000 |
4/14/2008 |
Added Iwo Jima block, middle of page 2 |
5/1/2000 |
1/19/2002 |
Expanded discussion at bottom of page - |
5/1/2000 |
1/14/2002 |
Added links at bottom |
5/1/2000 |
12/28/2008 |
Added link to |
2/25/2001 |
03/02/2018 |
Major revision of Gordon Bennett section |
... From Baby-Killer to Deco
Icon: |
1/2/2003 |
1/2/2003 |
Creation |
ALPHABETILATELY - Supplementary pages | ||||
Credits - Who created the special stamp-like images that illustrate the twenty-six topics of our alphabet? |
6/18/2000 |
8/4/2001 |
Mainly reformatting |
Evolution of the Alphabet Images - Some of the artist images have changed over the lifetime of the project - see all the versions here. |
12/02/2001 |
12/02/2001 |
Creation |
Links - Other web sites of interest to stamp collectors |
6/18/2000 |
8/21/2001 |
Added a few new links |
11/26/2000 |
11/26/2000 |
Creation |
6/18/2000 |
8/21/2001 |
Added references for new material on other pages |
Glossary - A glossary of stamp- collecting terms |
6/18/2000 |
8/4/2001 |
Added Zachary Taylor story in Stampless Covers discussion |
PEX pages - Some crude philatelic exhibition pages I created when I first wanted to exhibit this alphabet |
3/22/2001 |
3/22/2001 |
Creation |
The Economics of Stamp Collecting - The author pontificates |
5/27/2000 |
5/27/2000 |
Creation |
Batum and Its Stamps - The postal History of Batum, by Yann Lovelock |
3/12/2002 |
9/29/2009 |
Added scans of authentic stamps. |
U.S. Commemorative Stamps, 1847 to the present - What is a Commemorative? How many has the U.S. issued? Text and images about all of them (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) |
1/24/2002 |
1/24/2002 |
Creation |
Facts for Boosters - Pamphlet promoting San Francisco as site of Panama Pacific International Exposition (PPIE) |
5/14/2002 |
5/14/2002 |
Creation |
The Perforator, November 15, 1904 |
10/20/2007 |
10/20/2007 |
Creation |
6/25/2008 |
6/25/2008 |
Questions about an 1865 cover sent from England to the USA |
10/09/2008 |
10/09/2008 |
Creation |
Name That Stamp! - |
01/15/2007 |
02/20/2019 |
Added item number 2b from Ray Petersen! |
Glücks-Marke - Good Luck Stamps
01/20/2019 |
06/20/2019 |
Added strip from Vienna firm Brüder Beerman |
WAIF STAMPS - what are they? - |
01/29/2019 |
01/29/2019 |
Ephemera Alphabetilatelica - Cool souvenirs I've acquired as a byproduct of this project |
1/8/2001 |
1/8/2001 |
Creation |
May 14, 1997 - Souvenirs of the first presentation of this alphabet, a slide show for AIGA-SF |
3/20/2000 |
3/20/2000 |
Creation |
June 2, 1997 - Souvenirs of the second presentation of the alphabet, a slide show at PACIFIC 97 |
3/19/2000 |
3/19/2000 |
Creation |
April 22, 1998 - Souvenirs of the third presentation of the alphabet, a slide show for AIGA-Seattle |
3/15/2000 |
3/15/2000 |
Creation |
June 20, 1998 - Souvenirs of the fourth presentation of the alphabet, a slide show for a USPS Stamp Design Conference in Newport Beach, CA |
3/15/2000 |
3/15/2000 |
Creation |
May 31, 1999 - Souvenirs of the fifth presentation of the alphabet, a slide show for GDS of Canada, in Vancouver |
5/3/2000 |
5/3/2000 |
Creation |
Dickson's self-promotion - The fabulous book produced by Dickson's of Atlanta, using our philatelic alphabet. |
3/13/2000 |
3/13/2000 |
Creation |
Address Book - AIGA/SF Ephemera Philatelica Stamp Address Book |
12/02/2001 |
12/02/2001 |
Creation |
COLLINS FDC's | ||||
Collins FDC's - A set of pages devoted to the hand-painted First Day Covers of Fred Collins, my favorite modern FDC maker. |
6/18/2000 |
5/16/2002 |
Added link to AFDCS chapter 73 article on HD/HP-FDCs | |
6/24/2000 |
6/24/2000 |
Creation |
5/3/2000 |
5/3/2000 |
Creation |
6/18/2000 |
02/21/2003 |
Added a few new ones, and some text |
TRAINS | ||||
Trains on US stamps - All the stamps of the US with trains - overview page |
4/21/2001 |
07/04/2019 |
Updated the new Trans-Continental Railroad stamps! Fabulous! |
... Trains on US stamps - Locals and Expresses |
4/21/2001 |
11/13/2009 |
Updated Wells Fargo listings, added images and references to Mosher and Berthold |
... Trains on US stamps - page 1 - 1869 thru 1877 |
3/22/2001 |
11/28/2004 |
Added text, images, examples, and links |
... Trains on US stamps - page 2 - 1880 thru 1912 |
3/22/2001 |
11/28/2004 |
Added text, images, examples, and links |
... Trains on US
stamps - page 2b - 1913 |
11/16/2004 |
11/16/2004 |
Creation |
... Trains on US stamps - page 3 - 1944 thru 1950 |
3/22/2001 |
11/28/2004 |
Added text, images, examples, and links |
... Trains on US stamps - page 4 - 1952 thru 1970 |
3/22/2001 |
11/28/2004 |
Added text, images, examples, and links |
... Trains on US stamps - page 5 - 1974 thru 1976 |
3/22/2001 |
3/22/2001 |
Creation from monolithic version |
Trains on US stamps - page 5c - 1980 |
11/30/2004 |
03/04/2005 |
Added comments from Texas reader |
... Trains on US stamps - page 6 - 1978 thru 1984 |
3/22/2001 |
3/22/2001 |
Creation from monolithic version |
... Trains on US stamps - page 7 - 1987 thru 1988 |
3/22/2001 |
3/22/2001 |
Creation from monolithic version |
... Trains on US stamps - page 8 - 1988 thru 1992 |
3/22/2001 |
3/22/2001 |
Creation from monolithic version |
... Trains on US stamps - page 9 - 1993 thru 1995 |
3/22/2001 |
3/22/2001 |
Creation from monolithic version |
... Trains on US stamps - page 10 - 1996 thru 1999 |
3/22/2001 |
03/09/2019 |
Multiple new entries, plus press sheets |
... Trains on US stamps - page 11 - 2000 thru 2002 |
1/16/2002 |
03/09/2019 |
Multiple new entries, plus press sheets |
... Trains on US stamps - page 12 - 2003 thru 2018 |
02/02/2019 |
05/23/2019 |
Moved the new Trans-Continental Railroad stamps to page 13 |
... Trains on US stamps - page 13 - 2019 onward |
05/23/2019 |
07/04/2019 |
Added package labels and FDCs for Trans-Continental Railroad stamps! |
Trains on Private Express Labels and
Stamps of the U.S. |
8/29/2002 |
07/29/2018 |
Trains on
Cinderellas |
10/17/2002 |
02/09/2014 |
Corrected error - Danish steamship stamp |
... Trains on Argentine Revenues - Catalogue |
01/06/2005 |
06/24/2017 |
Added NEW FINDs - Santa Cruz - Casilda 1912 50c with control; Casilda 1911 entire set with control |
... Railway Parcel and Letter Stamps of the World |
12/04/2004 |
10/29/2007 |
Added details about Iraq Railway, links to AP article |
10/24/2002 |
12/06/2004 |
Added conversation with Tony Goodbody |
10/24/2002 |
12/06/2004 |
Added conversation with Tony Goodbody |
10/10/2002 |
06/24/2020 |
Added images |
... Why All Railway Parcel Stamps (including Belgium's) are Cinderellas |
12/04/2004 |
12/04/2004 |
Creation |
01/22/2007 |
01/22/2007 |
An extensive sub-site displaying all of the rail-themed stamps issued by Belgium |
11/11/2004 |
11/11/2004 |
Creation |
Trains on Postal
Stationery |
1/7/2003 |
2/20/2003 |
Added, revised |
... Trains on Postal
Stationery -
listings |
1/13/2003 |
11/13/2008 |
Updated Wells Fargo images and text on USA and Mexico pages |
Trains on Covers |
02/06/2003 |
02/06/2003 |
Creation |
Trains on Stamps of Austria - the collection of Dexter C Wright |
6/15/2002 |
6/15/2002 |
Creation |
8/6/2001 |
1/25/2003 |
Major overhaul - split into six pages, added covers and text |
1/18/2002 |
1/18/2002 |
Creation |
Railroad Perfins of the
U.S.A. |
07/06/2004 |
07/06/2004 |
Creation |
Trains on Argentine
Revenues |
07/07/2004 |
07/07/2004 |
Creation |
B & O 108th - A hand-drawn commemorative cover created by a collector, for the 108th anniversary of the B&O Railroad, with the interesting letter it contained. |
3/26/2001 |
3/26/2001 |
Creation |
2/15/2001 |
2/15/2001 |
Creation |
2/15/2001 |
2/15/2001 |
Creation |
wymans.html - What is the train on the Wyman's Local Post stamp of 1844? |
8/21/2001 |
8/21/2001 |
Creation |
Trains in Ukraine and Hungary - A page with photos of trains in Ukraine and Hungary, from a trip I took with my father in 1999. |
5/5/2000 |
5/5/2000 |
Creation |
War Department envelopes used in collecting weather data, 1870-90 - A group of covers (with trains on them) |
1/13/2002 |
1/25/2003 |
Added an item |
Mount Tamalpais Railroad - A charming advertising pamphlet for the reCreational area north of San Francisco, circa 1924 |
6/28/2002 |
6/28/2002 |
Creation |
Trains and Planes |
01/25/2003 |
01/25/2003 |
Creation |
Mysterious Bicycle Stamp - |
07/27/2005 |
02/18/2022 |
Added comment from Karen Fraser, Reformatted for clarity(?) |
Souvenir Envelopes and Cancels of the Celebrate the Century Express
11/14/2004 |
02/17/2022 |
Added cancel for Jefferson City |
200th Anniversary of Trevithick's Penydarrem,
and the Birth of Rail Locomotives
11/15/2004 |
11/15/2004 |
Creation |
THE RAILWAYS OF AMERICA, A study of postage stamps, by A. M. Goodbody |
4/1/2002 |
11/18/2004 |
Restored from CJRRU website |
American Railroad Journal
- 12/21/1833 |
12/30/2004 |
12/30/2004 |
Creation |
Sokol Postcards and Poster Stamps - A display of postcards and labels issued in conjunction with Czech Sokol events |
10/25/2005 |
04/22/2022 |
MULTIPLE UPDATES from Štefan Šuták - see the UPDATES Page for that section. |
12/12/2018 |
12/22/2018 |
CREATION - If you knew the Rigas, please send your additions to this page. |
Read an interview with the author of Alphabetilately at Marty Weil's Ephemera Blog
All Letter images Copyright © 1997, 2000, SF chapter of AIGA
All text Copyright © 2001, William M. Senkus
Send feedback to the author: CLICK HERE
Revised -- 02/12/2023